Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is one of the most common causes of sexually transmitted infection (STI) in these days.

The examples of sexual transmitted diseases are gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia and so on.

It has been found that, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 6.2 million new cases of sexually transmitted HPV infections are raising each year.

HPV virus causes sexual transmitted infections such as genital warts, cervical cancer. You can acquire this HPV virus through direct skin-to-skin contact during oral, genital, or anal sex with an infected person.HPV Virus

However, when this infection doesn’t vanish on its own then abnormal cells can grow in the lining of the cervix, which when left untreated can become cervical pre-cancers and then cervical cancers.

It is fact that there are over 100 different types of HPV virus, which are categorized into high risk and low risk types. Out of all these, 30 HPV virus types spread through sexual contact.

Some types of HPV virus cause genital warts where a single or multiple bumps are visible in the genital areas of women such as the vagina, cervix and vulva (area outside of the vagina). These are classified as low risk types.

It is also estimated that the genital wart, a sexually transmitted disease caused by HPV virus, affects approximately 5.5 million women every year. The major part of people suffering with genital wart is women.

Some other types of HPV virus could cause common skin warts on the hands and soles of the feet but usually doesn’t cause genital warts. Remember, genital wart occurs during oral, vaginal, or anal sex with an infected partner because they are highly contagious.

As mentioned earlier, genital warts – a HPV virus infection can also spread through direct skin-to-skin contact during sexual contact with infected person.

In women like you, genital warts can develop inside and around the outside of the vagina, on the vulva, cervix and in or around the anus.

In some rare cases, you can find genital warts even in the mouth or throat when you have had oral sex with an infected person. The genital warts will be so small that you can’t see with your naked eyes. In some cases, it appears as flat and flesh-colored or bumpy like cauliflower.

Normally, the warts can never become visible but you can experience some feeling like itching, burning, and/or discomfort. It is fact that you with low-risk types of HPV virus will never identify the infection in your body because you don’t develop warts or any other symptom.

On the other hand, nearly10 of the 30 known genital HPV types can lead to the development of cervical cancer. These are High-risk types of HPV, which could lead to cancers of the cervix, vulva, vagina, or anus.

Pap test is best to identify the HPV virus infection in your body. But, if you are 30 and above then HPV test is better than a Pap test. Even there is HPV vaccine that is generally recommended for 11-12 year-old girls. It is also recommended for females’ of age between 13-26 years.


  1. That was one of the most complete articles I’ve found on Hpv. Most articles are incomplete or slightly in accurate. The only thing it forgets to mention is the new vaccine that prevents the four high risk versions that cause cervical cancer. But I’m sure you probably mention that somewhere else in the site.

  2. My granddaughter has the HPV virus she had a baby in jan. of this year is my great-gran subject to this virus she has been in the hospital 3 times since she,s been born with a virus they can-not find out about is this maybe coming from her HPV, if anyone can tell me what you think or what to do please e mail me back Thank You

  3. i have the hpv virus i have had only one partner in my life i have been married for thrity years how many years does it take for the virus to keep coming back. is it possible to get the virus after thrity years of marriage since we claim we have had no partners in our thirty years of marriage thank you

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