How Effective Is Hormone Replacement For Menopause Treatment?

The menopause stage in most of the women goes away over time without any treatment.

But, for some, menopause treatment is necessary for symptomatic relief.

Evaluating the risk associated with menopause by health care professional is essential for the best possible menopause treatment.

Menopause Treatment – Hormone Replacement Therapy

For the reason that there are several types of hormone therapies for menopause treatment, the doctor can suggest the best therapy for you depending on the severity of the condition.

As menopause can put the patient at risk of developing breast cancer, heart disease or osteoporosis, evaluating the menopause condition decides whether treatment is required. If no risk is present, taking estrogen for a limited time is enough to manage the manifestations at once.

Estrogen is a hormone that regulates menstrual cycle. It plays a vital role in developing and functioning of sex characteristics and reproductive system. That’s the reason the hormone is known as sex hormone.

By using effective doses of estrogen medications or estrogen therapy as menopause treatment, the condition can be suppressed successfully.

Estrogen Therapy:

Estrogen therapy or estrogen replacement therapy (ERT), the most effective menopause treatment, helps replenish the low levels of estrogen levels. The therapy involves the intake of hormones on a regular basis.

Estrogen therapy can be administered in the form of pills, tablets, patches, creams, or using vaginal preparations such as vaginal rings, vaginal tablets, or vaginal creams.

Estrace, Ogen, Ortho-Est (estrogen oral pill); Estratab, Menest, Estinyl (estrogen tablets); Climara, Estraderm, and Vivelle (estrogen skin patches); Vagifem (vaginal tablet); Premarin Vaginal Cream, Estrace Vaginal Cream, Ortho-Dienestrol (vaginal cream) are the estrogen forms that increase the levels of estrogen in the body.

Following estrogen therapy for a shortest amount of time provides effective symptomatic relief. However, long term use of estrogen increases the risk of uterine cancer. To counteract this risk, the doctor prescribes the intake of synthetic female hormone ‘progesterone.’

Progesterone Therapy:

It is also known as progesterone hormone therapy (PRT) that helps in blocking the estrogen and this hormone aids in the growth of cancer cells. The progesterone therapy needs to be started on a high dose.

The progesterone therapy can be administered in various forms: transdermal creams, sublingual oil or tablets, injections, suppositories, oral capsules. Transdermal creams are the most commonly used form of progesterone therapy.

Medroxyprogesterone (Provera) is a progesterone tablet that acts as natural hormone progesterone. It helps to regulate menstrual cycle and normal functioning of the reproductive system.

Medroxyprogesterone (Depo-Provera Contraceptive and Depo-subQ Provera) is an injection that helps in contraceptive purposes. Medroxyprogesterone contraceptive intramuscular injections are the most available form of progesterone.

Following the menopause stage, the testosterone levels fall speedily. So, intake of testosterone supplements along with estrogen and progesterone help balance the hormone level in the body.

Testosterone Therapy:

Testosterone is one of the hormones produced by the female reproductive system. The hormone testosterone plays a vital role in increasing the female sex drive.

Testosterone therapy provides symptomatic relief of menopause. Testosterone injections, patches, capsules, gels are the most popular forms of testosterone.

As no single treatment is effective in managing the menopause condition, it is good to consult the doctor regularly for the best possible menopause treatment.

How Effective Is Hormone Replacement For Menopause Treatment? was last modified: February 28th, 2011 by pnreddy1
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