About 80% of women suffer from discomfort during their period, and these are known as menstrual symptoms. In case an egg that hasn’t been fertilized arrives to the uterus, it cannot attach to the wall of the uterus and it is simply discarded with the menstrual flow.Since the uterine lining does not get signs of fertilization, it also detaches and sheds from the uterine wall. One of the most common symptoms of menstruation is having cramps. This is caused by the fact that the uterus contracts in order to hasten the expulsion of the lining and of the egg.This tightening of the muscles seems to be long enough for them to become deprived of oxygen because of the restricted blood flow. The lack of oxygen is the factor that actually causes the pain.

Another one of the symptoms of menstruation is a thickened uterine lining that could cause certain levels of discomfort before the onset of menstruation.

The uterus can be found between the large intestines and the bowel, and so in case of rich bowel or bladder it could put pressure on the nerves causing other menstrual symptoms, such as back pain, abdominal bloating and feelings of distention. Also in this period of the month there is a tendency to retain water and this could cause puffiness in the face, hands and feet.

There are some women that experience some other symptoms of menstruation as well. In certain situations the ovulating ovary might get enflamed or swollen and this is known as cystic ovary.

Ovulation usually alternates between the two ovaries and this is why women could experience discomfort during one period but not during the next one. Nonetheless every other menstruation could cause high levels of discomfort.

About four days before menstruation the progesterone and estrogen levels that are needed for ovulation begin to wane. Because of this, some other menstrual symptoms such as sleeplessness, irritability, moodiness and in extreme cases even depression, may appear.

There are some women who have reported as symptoms of menstruation a heightened level of sexual arousal in this period of the month. The same hormones spur the development of the milk glands in the breasts, making them bigger and this causes breast enlargement and increased breast tenderness.

There are some well-known menstrual symptoms such as anger, sudden outbursts of rage, crying, self-contempt and even isolation. The symptoms of menstruation aren’t over yet, we also have to think about constipation or diarrhea, headaches and nausea.

There are also some additional symptoms including dizziness, lack of coordination and feeling off-balance. All of the physical symptoms, along with the other signs that have been mentioned before contribute to PMS or premenstrual syndrome.

The bad thing about menstrual symptoms is that they do not spare any woman between the ages of 12 and 51 regardless of the class that they belong to, body type, culture or race. All women function in the same way and this means that they all have the same things to go through.