14 Most Inspirational Celebrity Workout Routines for Women

— Know what top celebrities do to keep fit

It is no wonder that the most well-known women of Hollywood have their personal trainers to make sure that they have a perfect body at the time when they step on the red carpet. So what are the celebrity workout routines like?

1. Uma Thurman

When it comes to her workout routine, the main point for her is to do a lot of running. This is because running is an effective exercise for women who would like to keep their slim figure. Not only this, but running also helps people stay healthy because it decreases the chances of getting cardiovascular diseases or diabetes. If you would like to try it as well, you should start gradually, and then increase the time spend with working out. In the end you should be able to run miles without having to have a break.

2. Jessica Alba

In case you are thinking about the workout routine of Jessica Alba, don’t think that it is something complicated. Even more, it is relatively simple and based on strength training and cardio. This is how she managed to get back into shape after giving birth. One of the exercises that she performs is the reverse fly. For this you should hold a dumbbell in each hand. Then step forward with one of the legs and bend forward allowing the arms to hang at the sides. Raise the dumbbells until they are at level with your shoulders, then switch legs.

3. Jessica Biel

If she has to prepare for a serious role, in some cases she spends 5 hours daily in working out. There are different kinds of exercises that she has incorporated in her routine. In case you would like to have a body shape similar to her, then you should be thinking about cardio interval training, plyometric, and weight training. Although you might perform the exercises, you should also make sure that you have the right diet as well to make the workout even more efficient. Jessica is said to be the role model who would like a toned body but still keep their feminine look.

4. Scarlet Johansson

For her it is important to have a healthy lifestyle through diet and workout. Scarlet is known for having managed to lose 14 pounds, and she achieved it through having a routine that consisted of pull ups, lunges, crunches, squats, planks, jumping jacks, jogging, walking, push ups, etc., and although she achieved her goal, she still maintains her healthy diet to keep her silhouette. When she was training, she had circuit based training. This means that one set of exercises has targeted her upper body and then the following targeted her lower body. Naturally she could have no rest between them.

5. Fergie

Just as any other celebrity, it is important for Fergie as well to look her best. For this she is working out 6 days per week, having workout sessions of 2 hours. During this time she is working out for 45 minutes on the treadmill. She is walking fast and this is the way to achieve such a great body. Nonetheless it is important to have some interval training as well to make burning fat even more effective. It is a known fact that she is a bit obsessed with having great arms so that they will look good later.

6. Jennifer Garner

In order to achieve the wonderful body that she has, you should combine aerobic exercise with strength training, just as she did. A workout routine that you could try is to stand in front of a bench and put your right foot on it. Place your entire weight on your left foot by bringing the knee up. Then get back to starting position, and repeat the exercise 14 more times for the right foot and 15 times for the left one. This is the best way to achieve nice legs and buttocks, not to mention that the exercise isn’t boring.

7. Ashley Simpson

To achieve the body that she has, here is a workout routine that you could try. Start with walking briskly and gradually increase the pace to a jog. Then move on to performing bicep curls, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Also don’t forget to add some squats. Do 25 reps of this and then do some jumping jacks. Another helpful exercise is to perform some triceps extensions with bridge. For this exercise you also need a dumbbell and you should do 20 reps. Finish the session with traveling lunges, making 12 reps and then jump the rope a bit.

8. Jennifer Aniston

Although the other celebrities opt for the harder way, she prefers to maintain her body with the help of yoga, which combines breathing techniques with physical positions. In case you are a beginner in yoga, you should start with the basic poses. You should get down on your hands and knees, having the knees under the hips. Breathe out and bring yourself to your soles, straightening the knees. Make sure that you have a flat back. Your head should be found between the upper arms. Hold position and then return to the position that you started with.

9. Kim Kardashian

In order to make sure that she can keep going with her busy lifestyle, the workout routine that she has, combines cardio intervals with strength moves, addressing the upper and lower body, one at a time and also doing some core work. This is a great workout to make sure that women burn calories and it also fills them with energy. The routine should be performed about 2-3 times per week. You need some warm up of 5-10 minutes of cardio and then move on to the exercises without resting. In the end you shouldn’t forget about jumping the rope.

10. Gwen Stefani

She is really dedicated to workout, and we have to admit that the results are visible. In order to achieve an upper body as she has, you should make sure that you have some triceps dips in your routine to make the muscles of the underside of the upper arms work. You should sit with your back to a step bench, and place your arms at your sides.

Straighten your legs a foot apart, rest them on your heels and place your weight on your arms, raising and lowering the body. You should perform 12 reps to achieve good results.

11. Halle Berry

It took her only a few weeks to get back in shape after giving birth. Nonetheless we have to say that she has been working a lot, of one hour 5 days a week. Regarding her strength training, she has been performing leg and ab exercises. Also her workouts included three segments of cardio, like elliptical work, hill or stairs climbing and kickboxing. Besides increasing strength, kickboxing could help you burn more calories than you might have thought. You just have to be persistent with the workout and you could achieve a body just like hers.

12. Megan Fox

She admits that she is a relatively lazy person, but she is able to work out when she is preparing for a new role. While she was preparing for the movie Transformers 2, she focused on HIIT cardio, bodyweight exercises, steady state cardio and ab exercises. The trainer that she hired to help included in her workout routine body weight interval circuits, planks, stationary bike, and an ab circuit. There was also some cardio: interval cardio and low intensity cardio. We can say that the approach that she had is a hybrid one for the best calorie burning.

13. Katy Perry

We can’t say that she is doing a lot of work. Usually she is working out 5 times a week, and her sessions don’t last longer than 25 minutes. According to her when she likes to get in shape, she jumps rope, an activity that she really likes. Naturally besides jumping the rope there is need for other exercises as well, such as cardio, upper body exercise, lower body exercise and ab exercise. Once she is done with all of them, she starts all over. Usually she does 4 reps. Naturally, between the reps she has some rest of 90 seconds.

14. Rihanna

One of the things that you should know about Rihanna is that she hates to work out alone. Nonetheless when she has to be working out, she makes sure that she has some cardio and weight training in her routine. Usually the exercises focus on her arms, buttocks, stomach and legs. In the majority of the cases when she works out one day, the next day she takes rest. When it comes to her body, it looks like she is obsessed with her legs, and this is why she really focuses on her buttocks, through performing lunges and squats, but she also adds some ab exercises.

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14 Most Inspirational Celebrity Workout Routines for Women was last modified: March 22nd, 2018 by Swathi
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