How To Recognize Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding?

Do you get your periods more often than every 21 days? Possibly your period can last longer than 7 days.

This kind of irregular bleeding is mainly referred as dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

It is not serious, but it can be annoying and disturb your life. In most cases, dysfunctional uterine bleeding is linked with hormonal changes in your body.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding can be easily managed with medicine or with hormonal therapy to reduce bleeding.

It can be used either to stop or regulate your irregular menstrual cycle. Surgical treatment is mainly reserved for bleeding that can’t be reduced with hormonal therapy or medicines.

How can you know that it is dysfunctional uterine bleeding?

When you have dysfunctional uterine bleeding, you can experience one or more of these particular conditions:

  1. If you are getting your periods more often than every 21 days or farther apart than 35days, probably you might be suffering with dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
  2. Actually, the duration of normal menstruation cycle is between 4 to 6 days. But, if you are experiencing uterine bleeding more than 7 days every month, then it surely indicates that you have dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
  3. Even if you’re experiencing heavy bleeding than normal or if you are passing blood clots and soaking through your usually sanitary pads, then you might probably have imbalance in your body hormones, which are responsible for regular periods.

Is it possible to control irregular bleeding?

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is usually painless and it doesn’t cause any problem unless you become upset with your irregular bleeding. It can be easily treated with medicines or hormonal therapy.

Actually, your age, the cause of the condition and your future plans to conceive can have major impact on your treatment options.

If you are teen, you can expect your normal menstrual cycle, when your body matures. You can choose to wait until the imbalance of hormones in your body becomes normal on its own.

But, if your irregular bleeding is disrupting your normal menstrual cycle severely, your doctor will prescribe progestin or other hormone supplements to stop your irregular bleeding.

If you are not ovulating regularly and if you have no future child bearing plans, your doctor would recommend hysterectomy or endometrial ablation to stop your irregular bleeding.

So, talk to your doctor about your future pregnancy plans and go for right treatment option for your irregular periods.

How To Recognize Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding? was last modified: March 27th, 2010 by admin2
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