Are You Aware Of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder?

Do you repeatedly experience unpleasant, disturbing, emotional symptoms before your regular menstruation cycle?

Then you might be suffering with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).

If you think that you are the only person suffering with this disgusting condition, then just try to throw away such kind of thinking.

It has been estimated that almost 75% of all menstruating women can experience mild to moderate premenstrual symptoms.

But, at least 2- 10% among these can repeatedly experience this kind of depressive mood swings, before their regular menstrual periods.

Role of hormones!

This premenstrual dysphoric disorder doesn’t appear to happen just simply because of an imbalance in your ovarian hormones. Many researches have found that there is no difference in estrogen levels and progesterone hormones across the menstrual cycle of females with PMDD and those without any symptoms of PMDD.

On the other hand, some of the researches assertively declared that these changes in the hormone levels must play a crucial role in the functioning of ovaries. This is due to the reason that the symptoms, which are especially responsible for PMDD, actually disappear when the ovaries do not function properly or even when they are completely removed.

Premenstrual syndrome and PMDD!

Certain physical symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome are quite similar with PMDD. Even, certain emotional symptoms of PMDD are also quite similar with premenstrual syndrome and they are also considered as significantly more serious with PMDD.

It is believed that in PMDD, you’ll be typically affected with more emotional symptoms rather than physical symptoms. When you are affected with premenstrual syndrome, you can experience sadness or mild depression. However, if you have PMDD, then you can significantly sway towards depression and hopelessness. In most extreme cases, most of women can feel like killing themselves or others.

Main strategies to follow in order to overcome PMDD!

Most of the strategies, which are used for treating premenstrual syndrome, are typically used for treating PMDD. In fact, the treatment for premenstrual dysphoric disorder is mainly classified into four main forms. These four main forms can mainly include:

  • Better nutrition: Most of the health experts usually recommend that women with post dysphoric disorder must follow better nutrition plans, in order to relieve from the most disgusting symptoms of post dysphoric disorder. You must also limit your intake of caffeine, refined sugar, alcohol and also salt. Certain essential dietary supplements like calcium, vitamin E and vitamin B6 and also magnesium contents must be necessarily included in your regular diet.
  • Regular body exercises: Even though if you are not suffering with PMDD, it is highly recommended to practice regular body workouts. Regular aerobic exercises like walking and swimming can help you greatly to get better health and also helps you to relieve from the symptoms of PMDD.
  • Counseling: Try to attend effective counseling programs, in order to develop effective coping tactics. Certain therapies like relaxation therapy, yoga, meditation and reflexology techniques can also help you in treating PMDD.
  • Medications: If you are suffering considerably with PMDD, then your doctor will prescribe certain anti-depressant medications. You must take these medicines either continuously or intermittently depending on the severity of symptoms, just through your 14 day premenstrual period.

It becomes very important for you to review your manifestations of PMDD with your doctor. A careful and systematic medical evaluation can significantly help you to determine the exact symptoms of premenstrual dysphoric disorder. So, whenever you suspect any indications of PMDD, immediately consult your doctor in order to get better treatment at right time.

Are You Aware Of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder? was last modified: March 27th, 2010 by admin2
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