Find Out The Hormones Responsible For Menopause Weight Gain!

Menopause weight gain! Did you put on some extra weight during menopause?

Weight gain during menopause is quite normal for every one.

Don’t think that you are the only one gaining lots of weight during the menopause process.

In a recent study, it has been proved that, about 90% of the women are affected with this menopause weight gain.

Why do you gain extra pounds in your menopausal stage?

Weight gain during menopause is not due to over eating but it is mainly due to the change in the hormone levels. There is an undeniable relation between decrease in the body metabolism rate and lack of estrogen levels during the menopause process.

As there is a decline in the level of estrogens, your body will naturally choose the other sources to get estrogens. As a result, your body metabolism rate decreases.

Due to the fall in metabolism rate of your body, you can experience higher appetite and as a result you can put on some extra weight.

Some other factors which are responsible for menopause weight gain are treatment with hormone replacement therapy, lack of physical activity, depression, and also mood swings. Due to these reasons, you can experience higher appetite than the usual.

Hormones responsible for menopause weight gain.

Weight gain during menopause is mainly due to the fluctuating levels of certain hormones. The hormones which are responsible for the menopause weight gain are given here.

Estrogen: This is the female sex hormone which plays a major role in menopause weight gain and is mainly responsible for monthly ovulation process in the females. Ovaries are the main sources for producing estrogens in your body.

As the ovaries stops producing estrogens or if the level of estrogen production in your body is decreased, fat cells in your body starts the production of estrogens. Unfortunately, these fat cells cannot burn the calories as the muscle cells do, which in turn adds weight to your body.

Testosterone: This hormone is useful in body metabolism and it is responsible in creating lean muscle masses in your body.

As the levels of testosterone drops, you will lose your muscle cells, which are helpful in burning calories. Therefore your body metabolism rate decreases and you will gain some weight.

Androgen: This hormone is responsible for gaining weight in the middle-section of your body. Due to this reason, weight gain during the menopause is known as “middle age widespread”.

Progesterone: Lower levels of this hormone also cause weight gain during menopause. Decreased levels of progesterone actually do not increase the weight of your body but you may feel a bit heavier than the usual.

How can you avoid excess weight in menopause?

  • Taking balanced diet is always useful for your health and you can also avoid menopause weight gain. Include more fruits and fresh vegetables in your diet.
  • Try to avoid crash diets. The starvation can slow down your body metabolism rate and increases the weight of your body and also try to avoid processed sugars.
  • In order to prevent water retention, limit the consumption of alcohol, nicotine and also caffeine.
  • Exercise daily for burning excess calories in your body and always try to keep your self active.
Find Out The Hormones Responsible For Menopause Weight Gain! was last modified: February 28th, 2011 by pnreddy1
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