Effects Of Obesity On Your Fertility!

Obesity causes a great incidence of reproductive related disorders, breast cancer, cervical cancer, uterus cancer and ovarian cancer, infertility and reproductive endocrinologic problems.

Obesity lowers the chances of fertility. It even lowers the chances of successfully conceiving a child by using in vitro fertilization.

Even though your embryos are fertilized in a laboratory, you are more likely to suffer from fertility problems when the embryo is implanted in your womb.

Obese women have difficulty in becoming pregnant naturally. Even if you use the fertility techniques, you are less likely to become pregnant. If you want to seek any fertility treatment, your BMI should be in natural range.

According to the researchers, an obese woman with BMI more than 35 has lower success rates when compared with overweight, normal and underweight woman. For obese women, it is very difficult to implant the embryo successfully.

Effects of obesity on fertility and pregnancy:

  • Preeclampsia is a problem associated with increased blood pressure during your pregnancy. This is four to five times more likely to occur in an obese pregnant woman.
  • Stillbirths are also two to three times more likely to occur in an obese pregnant woman.
  • Being overweight reduces the chances of natural conception, increases the risk of miscarriage, pregnancy complications and congenital anomalies.
  • The safety of fertility procedures will also decrease. For instance, the ability to observe the ovaries on ultrasound scan or the condition of secure anesthesia reduces.
  • There are negative long-term health effects on you and your child.
  • Obesity leads to infertility, which can be the result of irregular periods and frequent anovular cycles.
  • Obesity results in polycystic ovarian syndrome.
  • After the child birth, obese woman will experience endometrial infection, urinary incontinence and urinary tract infection.

An obese woman after undergoing lap band surgery finds it easier to become pregnant. After the surgery, they will get a healthy body weight, but during their pregnancy, the lap band system can be adjusted in order to increase the nutritional needs.

Effects Of Obesity On Your Fertility! was last modified: September 22nd, 2017 by pnreddy1

View Comments (2)

  • obese women face major health risks during pregnancy. Obesity has been linked to the complications like gestational diabetes, Cesarean sections,birth defects; particularly neural tube defects

  • Thin women can have these problems, too. Also, overweight women can have normal pregnancies without the above-mentioned complications. I've seen both sides and it would be nice to read an article that presented the two.

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