The body of a woman undergoes significant changes in the different stages and ages of her life and when it comes to menopause, there are many myths surrounding this condition. Some of these myths need to be cleared in order to create more awareness about this condition not only in the society and the community but also in the minds of the women nearing the age of menopause or who are already experiencing it.

symptoms of low estrogen in menopause

When a woman goes through menopause the most common outcome that they experience is low estrogen levels.

Estrogen is a sex hormone which is used by the body to ovulate and this hormone also regulates the reproductive system in the body of the woman. The symptoms of low estrogen in menopause can be manifested in various ways like the following:

Irregular Menstruation – Since ovulation is directly related to the estrogen levels in the body of a woman, when the estrogen levels decrease, chances are that the ovulation in the woman’s body will also decrease. With the decrease in ovulation, menstruation will also become irregular and might also decrease. The periods of the woman going through low estrogen levels in menopause can become either heavier or lighter, or become shorter or longer. Some women might also experience that they have skipped their cycles.

Bone Loss – Another one of the symptoms of low estrogen in menopause can be bone loss. The bone density in a woman’s body can decrease and lead to bone loss when the estrogen levels decrease. Since the affected woman will experience the mass of her bones to lose quickly, there are increased chances of falling prey to medical conditions like osteoporosis.

Hot Flashes – Probably the most common aftermath of menopause is developing hot flashes, and woman who is going through menopause will tell you that experiencing sudden periods of excessive body heat and sweating associated with palpitations and panic are not something you welcome. It has been noted that about 65 to 75 percent women face hot flashes during menopause when their estrogen levels decrease. Sweating excessively at night, which is called ‘night sweats’ is also a common condition experienced by women. This condition can also be associated with the feeling that your heart beating erratically.

Along with the symptoms mentioned here, some women can also experience other symptoms like insomnia, mood swings, depression and such.