Recurrent Miscarriage Risk Higher For Obese Women

UK scientists studying women with a history of unexplained recurrent miscarriage found that the risk of a further miscarriage for obese women was significantly higher than that of normal weight women.

They recommended counselling should be given to pregnant women who are obese to help them understand the benefit that weight loss may have on pregnancy outcome, but other experts urge caution because there are also risks associated with losing weight during pregnancy.

The links between miscarriage and maternal obesity have been well studied and established, but this is the first study to look at recurrent miscarriages for which there is no explanation, said the authors.

For the study, clinical nurse specialist at the hospital, Winnie Lo, and colleagues, examined 398 women who had been attending the hospital with their partners for unexplained miscarriages between 1996 and 2006.

They then followed them on their next pregnancy and also put them into four groups depending on their Body Mass Index (BMI).

When they analysed the data they adjusted the results for potential confounders like age, a well know risk factor for miscarriage.

Read more at Medical News Today

Recurrent Miscarriage Risk Higher For Obese Women was last modified: March 27th, 2010 by pnreddy1
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