Untreated Endometrial Hyperplasia Can Lead To Womb Cancer!

Womb or uterus is the major organ in a woman’s body which plays a vital role in your pregnancy.

It is the major part which carries the implantation and development of fertilized egg.

So, maintaining a healthy uterus is very essential in order to become a successful mother in your life.

Any abnormal or undesirable growth in the lining of the uterus can pose many adverse health conditions for you.

One of the most common conditions which can mainly interfere in the normal functioning of uterus is endometrial hyperplasia.

Hyperplasia is the condition in which the protective lining of your uterus becomes too thick and accordingly leads to abnormal bleeding. In a much similar way, endometrial hyperplasia is a condition in which the inner lining of uterus or simply endometrium is influenced by the excessive proliferation of the undesirable cells.

Role of estrogen levels in developing endometrial hyperplasia!

In most of the cases, endometrial hyperplasia mainly results from higher levels of estrogens in your body. These excessive levels of estrogen are generally associated with insufficient levels of progesterone. Progesterone is the major hormone which can potentially work against on estrogens’ proliferative effects on the major tissues of your body.

When your body produces only estrogen without adequate amounts of progesterone, then it will mainly lead to the overgrowth of cells on the inner walls of your uterus. As a result, you can develop womb cancer. This kind of overgrowth on the walls of your uterus doesn’t essentially lead you to womb cancer.

Endometrial hyperplasia can possibly leads to womb cancer!

It is believed that women who have developed endometrial hyperplasia are at increased risk of developing womb cancer (Uterus cancer). Even though the exact cause for developing this womb cancer is not known, there are certain factors which can mainly contribute in the development of womb cancer, as a result of endometrial hyperplasia.

Most of the risk factors that can mainly lead to womb cancer are linked with your body’s exposure to higher estrogen levels, the main female sex hormone. Even more specifically, the risk of womb cancer can greatly increase with imbalance of two major female sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone.

If the inner lining of your uterus develops any unusual growth, then you can gradually experience abnormal vaginal discharge, bleeding between normal menstrual periods, heavy or prolonged menstrual periods and also severe abdominal pain.

So, whenever you notice these particular manifestations, then immediately try to consult your personal physician. These manifestations not only imply the overgrowth of cells on your endometrium, rather they can also indicate various other gynecological disorders in your body. So, seeking immediate and proper medical advice is very essential in order to avoid further health complications in your life.

Untreated Endometrial Hyperplasia Can Lead To Womb Cancer! was last modified: February 28th, 2011 by admin2
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