Common Signs and Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

The signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer are tough to ignore. Ovarian cancer starts in the ovaries of a woman and may spread to the other regions of the human body. The ovary is a reproductive gland for the development of the ova or eggs. The 2 kinds of ovarian cancer include ovarian epithelial carcinoma and malignant germ cell cancers.

In the first type, the cancer starts in the cells of the organ’s surface, whereas in the other, the cancer grows inside the egg cells. Awareness of the indications of ovarian cancer may lead to a successful diagnosis of ovarian cancer and this makes it possible for you to have a positive prognosis.

Ovarian cancer is often hailed as a silent killer since it demonstrates dormant symptoms which are not realized until it is too late.

Medically they are known as ‘nonspecific’ symptoms. Hence, doctors do not have any typical signs to search for.

What’s more, the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer are often mistaken to have other causes like an irritable bowel syndrome. 1 out of 5 cases has the chance of being diagnosed before the pain spreads outwards of the ovary.

Some steady signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer

The various signs of ovarian cancer may have the chances of staying the same stretched across a certain span of time before getting worse eventually. This is what makes it different from the other diseases which it is usually confused with.

Ailments as irritable bowel syndrome, colitis and Crohn’s disease feature certain symptoms which appear and improve before striking the patient with a hard blow. Ovarian cancer does not have this fluctuation since it has steady signs that do not disappear temporarily.

If you suffer from ovarian cancer, you will tend to feel pressure in the abdomen. The sense of fullness is likely to resemble bloating, often making the woman feel swollen in her abdomen. Owing to such signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer, you may feel the need to urinate frequently as a result of the cancer, and may experience pain in your pelvic region.

If such symptoms persist for over a couple of weeks, you need to seek medical opinion from your physician. The common symptoms of cancer of the ovary include continuing indigestion following meals, caused due to nausea and excess of gas. The stomach may feel upset as well.

Women who have had no problems with their bowel movements formerly may feel a transition in their habits, one of which is constipation. The bladder may even be influenced as a result of it. Even when you eat a little, you will tend to feel full.

Fatigue and a lack of appetite are among the common signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer. Often, the woman may experience pain during intercourse. She may even experience pain which starts from her lower back and migrates down to her legs. During menstruation, the woman may experience heavy bleeding than usual. Short breath is a common complaint women with ovarian cancer have.

Common Signs and Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer was last modified: January 11th, 2012 by Swathi
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