Is Your Abdominal Pain Leading To Signs Of Ovarian Cancer?

Ovarian cancer is a cancer that initially affects the ovaries, a pair of female reproductive organs that produce eggs and are located on either sides of the uterus.

According to American Cancer Society, ovarian cancer is the eighth most common cancer that occurs in women.

It is estimated that approximately twenty-five thousand new cases of ovarian cancer is rising yearly, in the United States. It is commonly known as silent disease because you will not exhibit the symptoms of ovarian cancer unless it is in very advanced stage.

Thus, there will be delay in diagnosis. Hence the ovarian cancer is with very high mortality rate. The ovarian cancer is so deadly that it occurs in one out of every sixty women.

Remember that ovarian cancer is the fifth leading cause of tumor deaths in women. Experts also believe that seventy-six percent of women will survive for one year after diagnosing with this disease.

Ovarian cancer occurs mostly in women who pass menopause stage. As you become older, your possibility of getting ovarian cancer increases. However, knowing and having more information about the signs of ovarian cancer can make it easier for you to diagnose and treat successfully in early stages.

Abdominal pain and pelvic pain are the most common signs of ovarian cancer. With ovarian cancer, you may experience sudden bloating, pain during sexual intercourse, vaginal discharge between periods, loss of appetite, painful urination, frequent urination, fatigue, weight gain, and gastrointestinal signs such as nausea, indigestion, gas, or changes in bowel movements.

Remember that these signs are not always due to ovarian cancer. So, if you find any of these signs that are abnormal and if it last for more than a week, then right away consult your doctor so that you can diagnose the condition early enough.

Moreover, experts believe that the ovarian cancer is ninety percent treatable if it is in early stages where the cancer has not spread to other organs near the ovary.

Tests such as pelvic and rectal screening, ultrasound, x-ray and laparoscopy help detect the ovarian cancers in your body. If there are any abnormalities then a test will be conducted to detect a protein known as ‘CA125’ as, this protein will be more in your blood if you are suffering from ovarian cancer.

However it is to be noted that by the time you get these tests results and confirms the ovarian cancer, it might have spread to other organs near the ovary. Presently, about 75 percent of women with ovarian cancer are not treated immediately due to late detection.

Once your cancer is confirmed, your doctor will observe the extent of your cancer and recommends surgery, radiation therapy or chemotherapy depending on your condition.

Surgery is used to remove the growth of cancer cells and radiation therapy to destroy the cancer cells that remains after surgery whereas chemotherapy removes cancer cells through anti-cancer drugs.

Sometimes, one or multiple courses will be used in treatment depending on the severity and the stage of your ovarian cancer.

Is Your Abdominal Pain Leading To Signs Of Ovarian Cancer? was last modified: December 11th, 2017 by pnreddy1
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