Evaluating the Symptoms of Fibroids

The uterine fibroids are noncancerous tumors that grow in the uterus during the childbearing years of women. Since they occur quite often, there are a lot of women interested in the symptoms of fibroids. Nonetheless you should know that often they cause no symptoms.

Symptoms of Fibroids : Heavy vaginal bleeding

It is common in case of fibroids to experience excessive bleeding or long periods. The women affected by the condition say that they have to change pads hourly, they pass blood clots and they aren’t able to leave the house on the heaviest days of their period.

Because of this one of the fibroids’ symptoms in many cases women will also be affected by anemia that is known as low blood count because of the abundance of bleeding. As a result they could experience headaches, fatigue and lightheadedness.

Pelvic discomfort

This is another one of the symptoms of fibroids. Nonetheless this usually appears in case of the larger fibroids that cause a feeling of pressure or heaviness in the abdomen.

In the majority of the cases this is a vague discomfort instead of a sharp pain. If the uterus increases its size, it could become difficult to exercise or bend over.

Pelvic pain

Although it is a less common one of the fibroid’s symptoms, in some cases it is possible to experience acute and sharp pain. This is a characteristic of the process known as degeneration. In the majority of the cases the pain is localized in one point and it gets better in time.

To make this one of the symptoms of fibroids better you could take some medication, such as ibuprofen. Another thing you should know is that you may also face chronic pelvic pain. This is a mild pain, but long lasting, focused on one area.

Bladder problems

The most common one of the fibroids’ symptoms of this kind is the frequent need of urinating. Sometimes women have to wake up several times during the night to go to the toilet. On the other hand, women could experience problems emptying their bladder, even if it feels to be full.

These symptoms of fibroids are caused by the fact that the fibroid is pressing against the wall of the bladder, thus making its capacity smaller or blocking the way of urine. In this case the patients should seek treatments for bladder problems.

Pain in the lower back

Although this one of the fibroids’ symptoms occurs rarely, it is possible for the fibroids to press against the muscles and nerves of the back, causing pain. This usually happens in case there is a large fibroid in the back of the uterus. Since pain is a common symptom, it is important to look for other causes before diagnosing it as uterine fibroid.

The symptoms of fibroids can vary from one case to the other and while it is possible that you will experience only one of the symptoms, it is also possible to experience more of them.

Evaluating the Symptoms of Fibroids was last modified: March 27th, 2014 by Swathi
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