Bleeding Uterine Fibroids: Symptoms To Look For

Uterine Fibroids are non cancerous tumor growths that occur commonly in the uterus. Though these are very common and can be found in as many as 20 to 40% women, they are mostly benign and are not bleeding uterine fibroids.

As most fibroids are in fact benign they are asymptomatic, though symptoms such as bleeding fibroids are always cause for concern.

Fibroids, though benign and mostly asymptomatic, are cause for some symptoms such as:

  • Heavy and painful menstruation
  • Increased frequency of urinating
  • Painful sexual intercourse could result depending on the location of the fibroid; i.e. where in the reproductive tract it is located
  • There can also be some pain experienced while having a bowel movement
  • Uterine fibroids can increase the amount of bleeding that happens by way of menstruation each month and may be the cause of fatigue and anemia
  • There may be abdominal discomfort and bloating experienced
  • Back ache can also be a symptom
  • Infertility can also result from a uterine fibroid

One of the questions that many women think to ask their doctors and physicians is about bleeding uterine fibroids, and whether it is these that cause excessive menstrual bleeding periodically.

Well it is not so much the bleeding uterine fibroids that produce the excess blood, the fibroids themselves are had muscular structures that don’t burst or consequently bleed, rather they cause a gushing flow of blood with large clots and also quite severe cramps.

The reason, however that many women seem to think that they are experiencing bleeding uterine fibroids or fibroids that have burst is because fibroids often cause excessive bleeding with clots and the bleeding is also irregular and unscheduled because fibroids tend to interrupt the monthly menstrual cycle.

The reasons that uterine fibroids may cause more bleeding is, that at the time of menstruation the lining of the uterus sheds and the uterus then contracts to have the bleeding. The presence of the fibroids however prevents the uterus from contracting properly and this is why more blood is lost.

Uterine fibroids that cause excessive menstrual bleeding can cause the bleeding to be so severe as to cause anemia and consequent iron deficiency which stems from it.

A complication that can sometimes accompany fibroids and exacerbate the problem of infertility is endometriosis. Adenomyosis is another condition that can exist together with fibroids.

Bleeding Uterine Fibroids: Symptoms To Look For was last modified: December 11th, 2017 by admin2
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