Do Your Ovarian Cyst Symptoms Cancerous Or Non-Cancerous?

Usually, the majority of the cysts exhibit no symptoms because the ovarian cyst is small and benign. The majority of ovarian cyst symptoms are undamaging.

However, if the cyst grows and becomes larger then you may notice several symptoms depending upon where the cyst is sited.

It has been found that about 10% of women of childbearing age develop dangerous or severe ovarian cyst symptoms.

Prior to gaining knowledge about the actual symptoms of an ovarian cyst, it is very essential for you to know exactly what an ovarian cyst is.

Actually, ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac usually situated on the surface of an ovary.

As the ovarian cyst develops no symptoms, it is not possible for you to determine the ovarian cysts as soon as it forms. In some cases, there can be some more common ovarian cyst symptoms. These ovarian cyst symptoms includes:

  • Severe pain in your pelvic region while or after sexual intercourse
  • Unusual pain in pelvis before or just after your menstrual period;
  • Normal menstrual periods may change (lighter or heavier than usual)
  • Menstrual irregularities;
  • Pain in your lower thighs;
  • A discomfortable feeling (fullness or heaviness) in abdominal region
  • Stress on your bladder or rectum
  • Nausea or breast tenderness resembling as if you are pregnant

If you find any of these ovarian cyst symptoms, then it is better to consult your doctor or health professional immediately to avoid severe consequences.

However, sometimes, you suddenly experience severe pain in lower abdomen. If you also notice a fever, start to vomit at the same time then suspect ovarian cyst symptoms and immediately consult a health care professional at nearest hospital.

Ovarian cysts can cause other severe symptoms too. If a cyst is growing on a stem from an ovary, the stem can be twisted, where it stops the blood supply to the cyst and causes a lot of pain in the lower abdomen.

In some cases, you experience a great pain in the lower abdomen during the period when a cyst bursts. However, the intensity of the pain depends upon few factors such as whether the cyst is infected and is there any bleeding, and also depends upon the substance contained in the cyst.

You are aware of the fact (from the above symptoms) that there will be some discomfort during sexual intercourse because during intercourse, the ovarian cyst may bleed, rupture, or twist the ovary. With this, you can also experience significant pelvic pain.

Very occasionally, ovarian cyst becomes an early form of ovarian cancer. It becomes cancerous particularly for those women who are over the age of fifty.

Although this is a very rare case, still you should take care of yourself to avoid these cancerous ovarian cysts. For this, a pelvic test is the best alternative to identify and avoid cancerous ovarian cysts at an initial stage [Ovarian cancer treatment].

Remember that ovarian cysts are common in women and about ninety-five percent are non cancerous. Also, remember that you may not eliminate ovarian cysts completely, but prevention of ovarian cyst symptoms is a key factor in controlling severe complications.

Do Your Ovarian Cyst Symptoms Cancerous Or Non-Cancerous? was last modified: February 26th, 2011 by pnreddy1

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