Control Your Endometriosis Through Changes In Your Diet!

Endometriosis is a condition that occurs when endometrium (endometrial tissue) grows outside the uterus.

It causes pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, premenstrual spotting, infertility, and painful urination.

Endometriosis can be controlled effectively through drug therapy.

However, one recent study proposes that turning to good nutrition as a way to supplement treatment can make you strong and healthy.

Although treatment and results differ, there are many cases that have improved and decreased the severity of endometriosis symptoms only by changing the diet.

But before you (as endometriosis sufferer) make changes in your diet with right foods and supplements, here are some important things that need to be taken into consideration. Remember that no food or diet regimen is a cure for endometriosis.

Estrogen is the main hormone that causes destruction in an endometriosis sufferer. It is found from some researchers that a high level of estrogen in your body is responsible for all the symptoms where as others believe a weak immune system is to blame.

No matter what the real cause is but it is essential for you to plan and follow a regular diet and nutrition program to attain a healthy body that can regulate hormones properly, maintain the immune system and manage endometriosis.

There are certain foods to avoid in your diet. So, understanding what not to include in your diet can make a huge difference in your life with endometriosis.

Planning an endometriosis diet is about avoiding foods that increase prostaglandins, which stimulate estrogen. However, remember that not all prostaglandin are bad. For instance, prostaglandin E1 actually relieves symptoms.

The foods such as fats, salt, sugar, dairy products and caffeine need to be avoided because they reduce or stop the functioning of the liver properly. The liver is essential for regulating the hormones and B vitamins in the body to help lower estrogen levels.

Cutting down the red meat and meat products in your diet is an effective way of controlling. It is highly recommended to replace the meat with soy products such as tofu and miso, and the foods that are rich in fiber in your diet.

As soy products contain elements that control estrogen levels in the body and a rich in fiber diet can ease any pain from bowel movements if endometriosis affects the area.

Include foods that contain B vitamins such as fish, rice, pasta, whole-grain bread and cereals, leafy vegetables. B vitamins are known to control estrogen levels and help ease symptoms. Moreover, B vitamins particularly Vitamin B6, riboflavin and thiamin are very effective in regulating recurrent endometriosis.

Also antioxidants: beta-carotene, selenium, Vitamin C and Vitamin E are all effective in improving your immune system as well as reducing cramps and menstrual bleeding.

These antioxidants, when included in diet, can help control endometriosis and its associated pain. The good sources of antioxidants are spinach, broccoli, celery, cucumbers, almonds, safflower and sunflower oils.

Therefore, with these easy and natural changes in your diet you can improve endometriosis. However, speak to your doctor about your dietary plan before making changes to make adjustments if necessary!

Control Your Endometriosis Through Changes In Your Diet! was last modified: September 22nd, 2017 by pnreddy1
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