Identify And Treat Your Hepatitis Symptoms Before They Become Chronic!

Hepatitis refers to an inflammation of the liver due to some specific viruses. It is generally known as viral hepatitis.

It is also found that bacteria can also cause hepatitis. The viruses that attack the liver are of five types: hepatitis A, B, C, D and hepatitis E.

All these hepatitis virus types are very serious and can damage the liver to great extent. These viruses can spread easily from person to person in several different ways.

The hepatitis symptoms in women may vary depending on the type of hepatitis virus present in your body and the extent of the liver damage. However, some of the hepatitis symptoms are identical in all hepatitis virus types.

Hepatitis is itself a hepatitis symptom. Hepa means liver and itis means inflammation. So, inflammation of the liver is the first hepatitis symptom indicating the occurrence of hepatitis. The beginning of the hepatitis in the body is the initial stage.

There are several different hepatitis stages and each has their own hepatitis symptoms.

After this stage, the hepatitis will be in acute phase.

With acute hepatitis, you may experience hepatitis symptoms such as fever, muscle or joint pains, nausea, vomiting, dehydration, headache, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and fatigue.

Remember that the hepatitis symptoms and acute phase remains about four weeks and with proper hepatitis treatment, most of these hepatitis symptoms disappear.

Rarely, with acute hepatitis virus, you may experience severe inflammation, and liver damages. This phase is known as acute fulminant hepatitis.

In this stage, you may experience the acute phase symptoms along with bleeding and coma. With acute fulminant phase, you have 80% chances of having death within few days to weeks.

However, in some rare cases, the acute hepatitis phase can become complicated. In this stage, the symptoms will be very clear.

The hepatitis symptoms that you may experience in chronic phase will be change in the urine color (dark color), stools (in light color) may contain pus, jaundice (yellowed appearance of the skin with eye-whites), itching all over the body and malaise.

If your hepatitis develops into chronic condition, then you may develop no symptoms or very mild and vague symptoms such as jaundice. However, by the time the jaundice clearly appears, your liver damage will be in advanced stage.

It is to be noted that the hepatitis symptoms will develop only when you have an active chronic hepatitis. On the other hand, if you are with passive chronic hepatitis, you may develop no hepatitis symptoms.

The hepatitis symptoms in women such as fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, and jaundice will disappear with few weeks without having any treatment, as the immune system in your body will fight against the virus and eliminates it completely from the liver.

Even the inflammation in the liver will gradually reduces and it becomes impossible for you to transmit the virus to others.

In some cases, the hepatitis infection may not recover completely and you may experience some repeated hepatitis symptoms. So, consult your doctor if you have symptoms repeatedly.

Identify And Treat Your Hepatitis Symptoms Before They Become Chronic! was last modified: February 28th, 2011 by pnreddy1
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