Calcium Deficiency Symptoms You Should Explore

Before thinking about the calcium deficiency symptoms you should know that calcium acts along with phosphorus to maintain the health and strength of the teeth and bones.

Calcium is stored in the bones and it is responsible for optimal functioning of the human movements.

The calcium level always fluctuates, according to your diet and the needs of your body.

Common symptoms of calcium deficiency

The sad truth is that usually there is no symptom of the problem until the bones become too weakened and they start breaking. The symptoms are usually very subtle and it takes years for them to develop. In the majority of the cases people realize that they have a problem only in the moment when they are affected by osteoporosis.

The common calcium deficiency signs include pain in the neck or the back. These can turn out to be really severe if the spinal bone fractures. You could also experience bone tenderness or pain, fractures that happen with no or little trauma, weight loss and a stooped posture.


When thinking about calcium deficiency symptoms you should also have in mind hypocalcemia. This means that the calcium level of the blood is very low. In this case the symptoms are different than the signs of the dietary calcium deficiency. Some of the people don’t even have any symptoms.

In other cases the signs of calcium deficiency could include muscle cramps, paresthesia, numbness, lack of appetite, petechiae, or purpura. Don’t forget that these are the mild symptoms. There are some more serious ones as well that are linked to serious medical cases.

Life-threatening situations

The people thinking about calcium deficiency symptoms should know that in some situations the problem may become life-threatening. In this case you should go to the nearest emergency unit at once. Make sure that you seek help if you or someone that you’re with shows symptoms of this kind.

The more serious warning signs of calcium deficiency include changes in the level of alertness or consciousness, passing out, being unresponsive, chest tightness, pain, heart palpitations or pressure, weak, rapid or irregular pulse and problems with breathing – such as shortness of breath, labored breathing, difficulty in breathing, choking or wheezing.

There are some other calcium deficiency symptoms as well that indicate a life threatening situation, such as seizures, tetany, meaning painful and fast contractions of the muscles of the body, and profound or unusual weakness. If you notice these symptoms, you should call 911 or ask for medical help.

Calcium Deficiency Symptoms You Should Explore was last modified: March 1st, 2014 by Swathi
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