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Diet and Nutrition

mediterranean diet for women

The Top Benefits of Mediterranean Diet for Women

Mediterranean diet is a diet which is eaten in the Mediterranean parts of the world but has also been incorporated in most other nations....
increase estrogen through diet

How to Increase Estrogen through Diet

Estrogen is known to be a hormone that is featured with different compounds like the estradiol, estrone and estriol. Irrespective of women and men,...

Calcium Deficiency Symptoms You Should Explore

Before thinking about the calcium deficiency symptoms you should know that calcium acts along with phosphorus to maintain the health and strength of the teeth and...

Low Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

It is possible for you to experience the low vitamin D deficiency symptoms in case you spend very little time in the sun or you have...

Antioxidant Diet – The Road to a Healthy Heart

A publication in the latest issue of The American Journal of Medicine indicated the role of dietary antioxidants in reducing myocardial infarction. The research was...

What Is Drunkorexia? What Are the Causes of Drunkorexia?

There is another eating disorder on the horizon only this one involves not eating as well as lots of drinking. It is called drunkorexia...

Weight Loss Diets for Women Who Work

The number of weight loss diets for women abound, with literally hundreds of diets that claim to help you lose weight effectively and perhaps with little effort but...

Blueprint Cleanse and Other Celebrity Spring Drastic Diets

The Blueprint Cleanse is the latest type of diet with which the celebrities are trying to lose their extra pounds. The most well known...