Many women may experience a dry itchy vagina which can be an irritating condition to have to live with. In some cases it could be worrisome as well, so what is important is that the probable cause for the itchy and dry vagina be detected. This will help resolve the issue and prevent any complication that could possibly occur from the underlying condition.

The possible causes for a dry itchy vagina

Normal Hormonal Changes – Fluctuations in estrogen levels can occur after childbirth and during breast feeding. They can occur later in life during Perimenopause and menopause also. Low estrogen levels are one of the main causes of lessening of natural lubrication in the vagina and this can also cause itching.

Dry Itchy VaginaPregnancy and childbirth related hormonal changes will resolve themselves in time, and for menopause related dryness, lubricants can be used.

For severe cases of vaginal dryness, hormone therapy may be required.

Chemical reactions – Personal hygiene products may often cause irritation leading to a dry itchy vagina. The chemicals contained in soap, fragrances, intimate use products and in particular vaginal douches may cause this problem.

Even detergents, fabric softeners and so on could cause this problem. It could be the chemicals that cause an allergic reaction as well in some women, which could be the reason for the dryness and itching.

Most experts agree that douches are a superfluous item that no woman really needs; since the vagina has an excellent self cleaning mechanism that needs no help. In fact douching is known to actually remove healthy bacteria from the vaginal area, causing a pH imbalance and leaving the area more vulnerable to infections.

So by process of elimination a woman should try and identify what is the product that is responsible for her irritation, and either stop its use, or at least switch brands which could help resolve a dry itchy vagina.

Infections – There are many types of infections that could also cause dryness and itching in the vagina. Usually the indications of infections of the genital area also include some sort of discharge, but some infections often cause dryness as well.

Infections such trichomoniasis, yeast infections, and so on can cause symptoms such as vaginal dryness and itching.

It isn’t just the infections themselves but their treatments that could also sometimes result in the problem of a dry itchy vagina. Antibiotics sometimes rid the genital tract of friendly, necessary bacteria which is actually needed for the vagina’s healthy functioning. When the natural bacteria is eroded, problems such dryness and itching may result.

Home remedies for a dry and itchy vagina

Many women report to finding relief from different sources: some recommend the use of aloe vera gel, others recommend tea tree oil. Women whose allergies cause the itchiness find relief from antihistamines. Many over the counter treatments also may work, while some women recommend use of live culture yoghurt (for application as well as eating).

While these home remedies can work in a many cases of dry itchy vagina, if it is an infection casing the problem, the symptom will be chronic and recurring and will need to be investigated by a doctor so that appropriate treatment can be started.