Quit Smoking Without Weight Gain

Trying to quit smoking is one of the hardest things you will do in your life as a woman.

Nicotine, as you probably know, is the culprit in this smoking addiction. You may have started smoking just for fun, and now the fun in smoking is gone.

If your health is showing signs from smoking then you will feel a lot better once you quit. Your lungs will repair themselves.

At what rate depends on how long you stay off the cigarettes.

Some people gain weight before and after they quit smoking. Now that you have made that important decision to quit, you are probably concerned about this very issue.


One reason you may have chosen to start smoking is stress. Stopping smoking will take your stress outlet away, and now you will have to find a better way to deal with your stress without eating.

Exercise is one way to do this. When you exercise it increases and boost metabolism and reduces your hunger pains. Your workout will help to relieve your stress.

Support Group

There is no need for you to feel alone while trying to quit smoking. Support groups are out there to help you in this endeavor. People in a support group will stand beside you and talk you through the rough times.

Instead of reaching for that tub of ice cream, you can reach for the phone, or get online in a stop smoking support chat room. These chat rooms are open 24/7, anytime you need to talk.

Stop Smoking Medication

Your physician can be a big help to you to quit smoking. He or she can give you a prescription for a nicotine patch, or medication that will help kill your cravings for nicotine.

If you are not craving the nicotine so bad, then your desire to replace cigarettes with food will decrease. This will keep you from gaining weight.

Stay Busy

Doing fun things with your family and friends will occupy your mind and body. You can stay busy with events in your town or city, attend church, or visit school functions. Take up a hobby and start to crochet or quilt.

Having something in your hands and keeping them moving will help. You cannot reach for that fattening food if your hands are full doing other things.

Let Yourself Eat

Actually, you can eat all you want while trying to quit smoking as long as you eat the right foods. If you are missing having that feeling of putting something into your mouth all of the time, then try these tips:

  • eat no fat, hard candy
  • chew sugar free gum
  • chomp on baby carrots
  • drink your sugar free soda through a straw
  • fill up on low calorie low fat foods
  • chew celery sticks
  • drink hot coffee
  • sip varieties of hot tea

There are many other foods that you will also be able to eat.

You can quit smoking and not gain weight with a little will power, and a lot of moral support from everyone around you that cares.

Quit Smoking Without Weight Gain was last modified: March 27th, 2010 by admin2
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