Couple of Apples a Day Keep More Than the Doctor Away

Post menopausal women are known to be at higher risk of heart disease than women of childbearing age. Recent research shows that women can protect heart health even after menopause by the simple expedient of eating a couple of apples a day.

What apples can do for women’s health

recent study found that eating just two apples a day could help lower women’s risk of heart disease and stroke. It was seen to have a beneficial effect on blood cholesterol.

LDL or low density lipoprotein is the bad cholesterol in the blood and this was seen to be reduced with the help of a regular intake of apples over a six month period. This was seen to be lowered by 25% by eating apples.

This helps reduce artery clogging and also reduces chances of blood clots forming near the brain or the heart. Women have a natural protection against heart disease until menopause. Considering the fact that heart disease is the single biggest reason for the death of women after menopause, this is encouraging news.

Previously a Polish study also demonstrated how apples can also protect against bowel cancer. Among middle aged men as well, apples can help improve lung function.

What women can do to protect themselves against heart disease

Exercise is of course one of the most important ways for women to maintain a healthy weight and a healthy heart. Regular exercise, most days of the week can really help.

It goes without saying that a healthy diet that is low in fats, sugar and salt and high in natural produce, unprocessed and whole foods is important for maintaining good heart health. Not only does a healthy diet keep weight in control, it also supplies essential nutrients to the body keeping it fit and healthy with a strong immune system.

Give up smoking – this will improve your health in so many different ways apart from protecting your heart.

Use alcohol only in moderation. Alcohol, particularly binge drinking is known to cause several health problems if it is used in excess.

Get to know about the symptoms of heart diseases. It manifests differently in men and women in terms of warning signs as well as symptoms of an actual heart attack. There may not be the customary chest pain, instead there could be fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, and discomfort or pain in the stomach, jaw, shoulders and arms.

Couple of Apples a Day Keep More Than the Doctor Away was last modified: March 1st, 2014 by Swathi
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