Are You 33? This May Be The Busiest Age You Will Ever Be

According to a recent British survey, the age 33 could be particularly significant for many of us; it could be the age that we are busiest.

We are most likely to be the busiest at age 33, since at this age you are most likely to try and cram the most number of things into your day, trying to balance work, home, and social activities.
And so busy do we tend to get, that 33 year olds get only about 5 hours of sleep a night. Over two thirds of 33 year olds claimed to spend more than 38 hours a week in office.

A majority claim to have to double book social appointments and work to try and fit everything into the day and a majority also take work home so as to get it all done.

As for leisure, there seems to be only about an hour left over after work and family requirements are dealt with, to engage in some enjoyable activity.

As many as 20% of 22 year olds claim that they don’t have time to go out and socialize; so busy are they. And when it came to women, 90% of women aged 33 thought they were busier than their male counterparts.

Are You 33? This May Be The Busiest Age You Will Ever Be was last modified: November 3rd, 2010 by pnreddy1
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