What Are the Surgical Abortion Side Effects

Making the decision of having an abortion is something that could change your life and this is why it is important to make sure that you take every aspect into consideration, such as the surgical abortion side effects.

Even though a surgical abortion is thought to be a safe procedure, it still has some risks.

Common side effects of surgical abortion

The truth is that there are some side effects that are quite common and women shouldn’t get alarmed by them.

These include: spotting or irregular bleeding during the first three weeks after the procedure, emotional reactions in the first 2-3 weeks and cramping during the first couple of weeks after the procedure.

Other side effects

When thinking about the complications of surgical abortions you should know that the recovery time is usually of maximum three weeks.

In case you notice any of the side effects, you should tell your doctor about it. Although the side effects of surgical abortion are rare, they need to be told to your doctor immediately.


This one of the surgical abortion side effects could be caused by an undiagnosed STD, retained pregnancy components or PID.

The signs of such side effects can be seen in the entire body and they include muscle aches, headaches and dizziness. It is also possible to experience swelling, pain or redness in the genital area.

Excessive bleeding

It is possible to see surgical abortion complications in the form of bleeding in case the blood vessels or the uterine muscles don’t constrict as they should.

Excessive bleeding means passing large blood clots, bleeding for half a day in a row or soaking through two sanitary pads in one hour.

Severe abdominal pain

It isn’t one of the surgical abortion side effects to experience some abdominal pain. However if this doesn’t go away after rest and medication it may indicate that your body isn’t healing properly. If this is the case, you should seek immediate medical attention to avoid future problems.

Lacerated cervix

It is possible to see as one of the secondary results of surgical abortion that the cervix was accidentally torn or cut. If this happens there will be need for stitches to stop the bleeding. During the procedure, if the cervix gets damaged, it may result in future fertility problems, which means that the patient won’t be able to get pregnant again.

You don’t have to get scared of this one of the surgical abortion side effects because as serious as it sounds, it happens very rarely. Even if it happens, it can be corrected through surgery and you will be able to conceive again.

Emotional side effects

A lot of people don’t think about these surgical abortion secondary results, but they affect the majority of women. Sometimes the patients feel regret, guilt or emptiness. If this happens, you should seek counseling.

As you can see, although the procedure is considered to be safe, there are some surgical abortion side effects that you should think about. Still we have to add that side effects appear rarely.

What Are the Surgical Abortion Side Effects was last modified: March 1st, 2014 by Swathi
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