Suffering With PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)? Improve Your Quality Of Life With Treatment Options!

PMS stands for Premenstrual Syndrome.

It is a syndrome that usually occurs in women from seven to fourteen days before the onset of menstruation.

However, it stops soon after periods begin.

Most of the women experience PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) symptoms at various points of their lives.

The symptoms vary from woman to woman and from cycle to cycle. On the other hand, more than 150 symptoms are caused by PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome), ranging from breast tenderness to nausea to anger and irritability.

It is estimated that nearly eighty percent of menstruating women experience PMS symptoms. The most common are anxiety, irritability, depression, bloating and craving sugary foods.

Treatment of PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) focuses on relieving symptoms. For relieving, there are many homeopathic and nutritional solutions. However, exercises, dietary changes, medications and a regular yoga practice can provide tremendous benefits.

Exercising regularly has a reflective effect on hormones, which are involved in the menstrual cycle. By doing exercise, you may notice less anger and depression. It also reduces stress. It is good to exercise regularly about twenty to forty-five minutes thrice a week.

Dietary changes affect PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome). It is found from recent studies that drinking tea and increase in carbohydrates is helpful during the pre-menstruation period. As carbohydrates increase the neurotransmitter serotonin levels, the depression that has been linked to PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) will be reduced.

It is recommended by some nutritionists that reducing or eliminating alcohol, caffeine, sugar, salt, dairy products, and animal fats can lessen PMS symptoms. However, consult your professional nutritionist or dietician to advise you regarding dietary changes that may relieve symptoms.

Practicing yoga with related poses can help relieve PMS symptoms. Sugar cravings are one of the PMS symptoms and that can be relieved with following bow pose (dhanurasana) and modified bridge pose.

The bow pose widens and tones the ovaries, uterus, and abdominal organs. It also increases the overall energy and helps get better mood whereas a modified bridge pose refreshes and tones your reproductive organs and the abdominal organs, relieving you from sugar cravings.

A child’s pose and upward facing dog poses are practiced to relieve from anxiety and irritability. The child’s pose helps massage and tone the organ systems in the abdomen and pelvis.

The upward facing dog pose (urdva mukha svanasana) tones the abdominal organs. It also has a tendency to improve your mood.

However, modified wide-angle (boddhakonasana) pose is practiced to relieve from bloating. It reverses the effects of bloating and fluid retention in the legs and feet.

Medication may be effective when exercise, diet, yoga practicing and other lifestyle changes are ineffective.

Alprazolam, a drug helps lessen depression and anxiety. It is taken orally and can be addictive.

A drug called Fluoxetine (Prozac) helps reduce the symptoms of PMS when taken orally during your menstrual cycle.

GnRH, a drug used to improves symptoms in almost all PMS symptoms. However, there is a possibility of increased risk for osteoporosis. Thus, it is used only for a short period.

Spironalactone, a type of PMS drug that provides mixed results. It is taken orally.

Suffering With PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)? Improve Your Quality Of Life With Treatment Options! was last modified: September 22nd, 2017 by pnreddy1

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