Oral Sex- Risks and Associated Dangers

Oral sex is a type of sex in which a person uses his or her mouth, lips and tongue to arouse the partner’s genitals. These days, oral sex is perceived to be an enjoyable part of the couple’s sex life. Oral sex for some people is a best way to attain that pleasure without having the actual intercourse.

Though oral sex is a great way to get close to your partner and know his or her pleasure powers, there are some serious risks that are associated with it. Given below are some of the risks associated with oral sex.

  • There have been many known cases of people diagnosed with HIV from giving oral sex. On the contrary, the person to whom the oral sex is given doesn’t catch HIV. The presence of any kind of cuts, or sores in the mouth of a person who gives oral sex are more prone to be diagnosed with HIV. To avoid getting HIV, the women should not take the semen inside her mouth. This can be done by either using a condom or any other nonspermicidal condom. In the case of women, the men should be cautious of performing oral sex at the time of her menstrual cycle.
  • There are many other diseases called as Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) that can be caused due to oral sex. Some of the STI’S are listed under:


The sites for the initial infection in this infection are throat, rectum, genital tracts, and urinary tract. The symptoms and risks are usually not seen but some may experience sore throat, white vaginal discharge, penis discharge or a burning sensation while peeing.


The sites for the initial infection are same as in the case of Chlamydia that is throat, rectum and genital area. The general risks involved are itchiness in the pubic region, growing pimples, pain while urinating and prolonged stomach infections.


In the case of Syphilis, the sites for infection are mouth, lips, anus, rectum, genital area. In the initial stages of syphilis, a person may feel sore throat and multiple sores in anus and rectum. In the secondary stages, there might by reddening of the skin due to rashes, the palms of the hands and the heel of the foot gets dry and scratched. This risk associated with oral sex can be easily treated with antibiotic medicines.

  • Oral sex can also increase the possibility of having throat cancer. Also, the people who are frequent in performing oral sex are known to have an increasing risk of neck and head cancer by nearly 7 times. In the case of females, there are chances of cervical cancer, which can prove to be fatal.
  • Some other risks that are associated with oral sex are allergic body, ejaculations in mouth, sore throat, inflammations in and around the reproductive organs, itchiness in the hand and palm regions, dryness around the foot area, immune suppressions, loss of appetite and therefore complete weight loss.
Oral Sex- Risks and Associated Dangers was last modified: April 13th, 2016 by Swathi
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