Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), also called PMT or premenstrual tension, is defined as a set of physical, psychological, and emotional symptoms connected to a woman’s menstrual cycle, that appear a few days to a couple of weeks before a period.

While 80% of women experience at least some symptoms, about 2 to 5 % of women have significant symptoms that may interfere with everyday life. Here are some of the most common symptoms of PMS:

  • stressTension and irritability during this time can aggravate minor grievances and reactions may seem out of proportion.
  • Feelings of tiredness and fatigue make even ordinary everyday chores seem difficult. Some women also have difficulty concentrating.
  • Anger and depression are also common symptoms of PMS. A woman may have a shorter fuse during PMS and may also be more prone to feelings of unhappiness and feels on the edge of tears.
  • Food cravings and appetite changes may also be seen.
  • Women also experience very physical symptoms of PMS such as bloating and actual weight due to water retention, etc.
  • Breast tenderness is also experienced by many women.
  • Headaches are other physical effects of PMS.