Having a miscarriage is something awful, but having multiple miscarriages is absolutely devastating, and if this is your case then it might be time to visit a fertility specialist.

Having several miscarriages could indicate a serious underlying condition.

The truth about recurrent miscarriages

From a medical point of view it isn’t alarming to experience one miscarriage. About 15%-20% of all pregnancies are ended by a miscarriage. 75% of the miscarriages happen during the first 12 weeks. If a woman experiences a miscarriage, her chances of experiencing another one decrease by a lot.

Multiple MiscarriagesNonetheless in case she experiences another miscarriage, having recurrent miscarriages becomes more and more likely after each miscarriage.

Scientists agree that in the majority of the cases the first miscarriage happens because of chromosomal abnormalities.

If this is the case then it is quite unlikely to experience multiple miscarriages. Still you should know that there are some other causes of this problem.

Other factors contribute to pregnancy loss and these should be addressed by a doctor.

Hormone levels and recurrent miscarriages

In order to have a successful pregnancy, normal hormone levels are needed. In case the hormones are out of balance they could stop the egg from being implanted, they could prevent the lining from forming and so the fetus cannot develop normally in the uterus.

In case of multiple miscarriages there is the chance for the woman in question to be affected by adrenal or thyroid gland issues. In the same time women with diabetes could also have increased risks of miscarriage.

Uterine factors

In case of a normal uterus there aren’t big chances of experiencing recurrent miscarriages. On the other hand in case the woman has a misshapen uterus, a uterus divided by a septum or any other problems with the shape or the size of the uterus, the chances of having miscarriages increases.

We have to add that although miscarriages are likely to happen in case of uterine problems, it isn’t entirely impossible to have a normal pregnancy.


There are some infections that cause reproductive problems, such as chlamydia, herpes or rubella. In case the infections aren’t treated they could lead to recurrent miscarriages because they affect the development of the baby.


Pregnant women have to be really careful about the surroundings that they live in. There are several different kinds of chemicals, such as arsenic, ethylene, benzene, oxide, formaldehyde and lead that could cause multiple miscarriages. In case women avoid getting in contact with toxins like these, they could decrease their chances of having miscarriages.

Immunologic issues

In some cases the immunologic issues could cause miscarriages. At the moment it is not understood why this happens, but it looks like the immune system has a word to say in fetal development. The most common problem is known as antiphospholipid syndrome. In this case there are blood clots formed and they stop normal fetal development.

Having multiple miscarriages isn’t something that can be easily forgotten, but you just have to be able to move on.