Why So Many Women Look for Menorrhagia Treatment

Menorrhagia refers to excessive and prolonged bleeding during the menstrual flow of a woman. It can lead to great discomfort and may also hamper routine activities. It is characterized with back pain and headaches and can lead to iron deficiency anemia. It is thus essential that proper menorrhagia treatment is taken in order to control the situation.

Menorrhagia results in a lot of discomfort. Occasional or infrequent episodes may not be a serious health scare but regular excessive bleeding needs to be treated and put right. The doctor may need to undertake some diagnostic tests to confirm or rule out basic causes of menorrhagia before starting the treatment.

The treatment for menorrhagia is tailored to suit each individual to tackle the specific causes.

The doctor will consider various factors before prescribing a treatment course.

They will consider the medical history and overall health conditions of the woman, the severity and cause of menorrhagia and also its effects on her lifestyle.

The doctor will also consider the personal preferences of the woman before starting the menorrhagia treatment.

If the chosen treatment is drug therapy the woman may be expected to take multiple drugs in order to work towards better health.

The doctors recommend iron supplements to women suffering from menorrhagia as in most cases the blood iron levels will be low if not downright anemic.

The doctor may recommend NSAIDs like ibuprofen or naproxen. These non-steroidal-anti-inflammatory-drugs help to reduce the blood loss and also relieve painful menstrual cramps.

Depending on the cause and condition the doctor may recommend oral contraceptives, and/or oral progesterone too as treatment for menorrhagia.  Oral contraceptives help control the excessive and prolonged bleeding. Progesterone is usually taken for the first ten days of the cycle to help check hormonal imbalances.

Menorrhagia treatment may include the use of hormonal intrauterine devices to help keep the uterine lining thin to decrease blood flow and cramping during menstruation.

In many cases women suffering from menorrhagia may have to consider surgical procedures to help control the condition. This may include Dilation and Curettage (D&C), endometrial abalation, operative hysteroscopy and endometrial resection. Some may need to opt for the last resort namely hysterectomy.

During the D&C procedure, the doctor dilates the cervix and suctions or scrapes uterine lining to help reduce menstrual flow. It is used commonly and is usually effective. Sometimes the woman may need a repeat procedure for complete relief.

Operative hysteroscopy is used as part of treatment for menorrhagia to help view the inside of the uterus. It is useful to locate and remove any polyps that may be present.

If the woman is not planning on further children she can opt for endometrial abalation or the endometrial resection. Both the procedures involve the complete removal of the endometrium lining and result in no or very little menstrual flow. It may be the best option for her if she is suffering from very severe menstrual bleeding.

Hysterectomy is the last resort for menorrhagia treatment and may be the only solution in many cases. It involves the surgical removal of both the uterus and the cervix. It results in cessation of menstrual cycle and sterility. It requires hospitalization and anesthesia and it is a drastic step and needs to be carefully thought over.

Why So Many Women Look for Menorrhagia Treatment was last modified: October 31st, 2011 by Swathi
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