Is Your Normal Vaginal Discharge Having Offensive Odor? Find Out The Right Cause For Right Treatment!

Vaginal discharge is the most common condition that occurs in women of reproductive age.

It is characterized by the result of secretions that is produced from small glands in the lining of the vagina and the cervix.

In other words, the glands inside your vagina and cervix produce some amounts of fluid, which flows out of the vagina every day. It also releases out the old cells that have lined the vagina. In this way, your body maintains your vagina healthy and clean.

Remember that vaginal discharge is the fluid that comes out of vagina, apart from menstrual bleeding [Heavy Menstrual Bleeding]. The discharge can be physiological (normal) or pathological (abnormal).

Physiological (normal) discharge comprises of the milky white mucus from the cervix and fluid produced by the vaginal walls and the glands (called bartholin) during your sexual excitement. It usually does not smell.

However, the pathological (abnormal) discharges are identified by their strange color and distinctive odors and may even cause itching, irritation, soreness or burning sensation of vagina and vulva.

The amount, color and thickness of normal vaginal discharge that comes out of vagina generally changes from time to time and most of the changes occur with your menstrual cycle.

The discharge becomes thicker at the time of ovulation (release an egg), breastfeeding or sexual excitement. The changes in the normal vaginal discharge, also known as abnormal vaginal discharge, indicate the signs of a problem in the vagina.

These changes in vaginal discharge may occur due to the usage of contraceptive pill, infection caused by organisms such as candida albicans, gardenerella vaginilis, and trichomonas vaginilis.

These two (pill and infection) produce a watery, yellow or green in color, foul smelling and thick creamy cheese-like discharge (often containing bubbles) that usually associated with itching and redness at vaginal opening and pain during intercourse and urination. This condition is often called vaginal thrush.

A change in normal vaginal discharge can also occur during pregnancy with the usage of certain antibiotics and an over use of sugar in the diet. Also, by wearing tight jeans and pantyhose, you have a great risk of having infections to the vagina.

Other causes for the changes in normal vaginal discharge are inflammation of the cervix, mostly in the case of cervical cancer and cancer in the reproductive tract where blood stained vaginal discharge will be noticed particularly after sexual intercourse.

Also, the foreign bodies in the vagina produce a chronic, foul smelling discharge. Even an elapsed tampon (left in for too long) produces a discharge that is unpleasant in nature.

An allergic reaction to deodorant type douches and spermicides can lead to a change in normal vaginal discharge because the chemicals in douches may irritate your vagina and may imbalance the germs in the vaginal area.

A doctor should be seen right away once you notice a normal vaginal discharge that is particularly offensive or contains blood.

Treatment for the changes in normal vaginal discharge depends upon the cause. For this, the organisms will be determined by examining the secretions. Also, an internal examination will be done, if necessary.

Is Your Normal Vaginal Discharge Having Offensive Odor? Find Out The Right Cause For Right Treatment! was last modified: September 22nd, 2017 by pnreddy1
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