Abortion is a process of ending a pregnancy with the intention that it does not result in the birth of a child.

Before gaining knowledge about abortion, it is better to know abortion facts.

It is estimated that approximately 46 Million abortions takes place every year worldwide.

Out of which, yearly, 26 million women have legal abortions.

The rate of abortions in developing countries will be around seventy-eight percent.

According to the abortion facts, it is found that 1.3 million women are having abortions in the United States every year. And about three thousand seven hundred abortions take place per day.Abortion Facts

According to abortion facts, it is estimated that forty-three percent of all women will have at least one abortion in their lifetime. According to abortion facts, it is found that abortion has not always been so safe.

Previously, it was illegal in almost all countries and most of the women who obtained abortion had died or suffered with serious medical complications such as damage of the uterus, retained placentas, heavy bleeding, cervical wounds, uncontrolled infections, poisoning, shock, and gangrene as a result.

Any of theses condition occurs when women make distressed and unsafe attempts to induce abortions on their own or approach an untrained practitioner who perform abortions with primitive instruments or in-sanitary conditions, which leads to serious complications.

In countries where abortion is illegal, around the world, it has become a primary cause of maternal death and increased the mortality rate of abortion. According to the abortion facts, it is estimated that yearly about sixty-eight thousand women die from unsafe abortions worldwide.

However, today, in the United States most of the doctors who perform abortions are trained and committed to provide this service under medically safe conditions.

With the reestablishment of legal abortion by the Supreme Court in the U.S. (1973), women obtaining abortions are benefited greatly from major advances in medical technology and better access to high-quality services. In general, the earlier the abortion, the less complicated and safer it is.

The serious complications that arise from aspiration abortions performed before thirteen weeks are relatively abnormal. It is found that about eighty-eight percent of abortions are performed within first trimester.

Among these, ninety-seven experience no complications; approximately 2.5 percent experience minor complications that can be treated easily; and below 0.5 percent have more serious complications where some additional surgical procedure and hospitalization is necessary.

From abortion facts, in North America, over the last five years six women have died as a result of toxic shock with a rare bacterial infection of the uterus following medical abortion with mifepristone and misoprostol.

The rate of complications with surgical abortion done between 13-24 weeks is a bit higher when compared with abortion methods used in the first-trimester. General anesthesia, which is used in some surgical abortion procedures, brings its own risks.

Besides the length of the pregnancy, there are certain factors that can affect the possibility of complications, including: the type of anesthesia used, overall health condition, the type of abortion used, and the skill and training of health care provider.


  1. hello.i had a abotion at age 19yrs with my boy friend.now i have 24yrs.unforutanely my boy friend died last year .now my parents are trying to marriage with another guy please tell me any complication i will get?can i pregant again?iam very afarid.please help me

  2. Sushma, You can marry. You will get pregnancy and there will be no complications, if you do not have any other health problems.

  3. i m 73 days pregnant nearly 9 weeks i think. i had the abortion pill and didnt work after 4 days . i m very worried about this thing bec i want to end my pregnancy. please help me. thanks.

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