How to Prevent Vaginal Cyst Formation?

Vaginal cyst is a sac under the lining of the vagina which contains fluid or semi-solid material. After giving birth, the obstetrician usually repairs the torn part of the vagina.

However, some repairs do not result to a smooth vaginal wall. This kind of growth is termed as inclusional cyst. This kind of cyst results due to trauma caused by giving birth.

On the other hand, Gartner’s cyst is a growth which occurs as a normal growth in the vagina during pregnancy. This serves as a support during fetal development and usually disappears after giving birth.

Usually, a vaginal cyst does not have any symptom except for a lump being felt in the vagina or protruding from it.

In addition, some women may feel some discomfort during intercourse and specifically during tampon insertion.

Usually, the cyst is discovered during pelvic examination.

Some solid cysts may have to undergo biopsy in order to rule out vaginal cancer.

For other growths under the bladder and urethra, an X-ray may have to be performed in order to rule out the extent of the cyst.

Without any other complaints, a benign vaginal cyst could easily be removed by a surgical procedure.

In relation to malignant growths, some unhealthy sexual practices may not only predispose a woman to several sexually transmitted diseases; more often, these habits may also lead to malignant vaginal cyst growth.

For several reasons, some women engage in sexual intercourse with multiple partners without any barrier. Basically, vaginal cysts may develop due to the events after giving birth. However, some may be a symptom of an underlying cancerous tumor.

If a person or a health care provider suspects that a growth is malignant, further studies and diagnostics should be performed.

Some risk factors which involve the malignant growth include lifestyle (having multiple sexual partners), exposure to viruses (Human Papilloma Virus), age (60 years and up), medical history (past cervical cancer growth) and genetics (family history of the condition).

Although some circumstances could not be changed, some prevention schemes could be done in order to minimize or reduce the likelihood of having a vaginal cyst. One of the sure ways to make this possible is to prevent any vaginal laceration or trauma.

In addition, talking with one’s obstetrician regarding the outcome after giving birth is also important. By proper communication, a woman could easily verbalize her desires on how she wants her reproductive organ to be manipulated.

One could request her physician to make the repair as smooth as possible. Frequent assessment of the vaginal area is also one of the ways in detecting any abnormal growths or abnormalities.

For sexually active people, a malignant vaginal cyst growth could be prevented if one sticks to a single sexual partner. In addition, immunization against HPV is also important in reducing the likelihood of developing a cervical cancer.

Finally, one should always bear in mind to practice proper hygiene in order to prevent vaginal infections which could injure the vaginal area.

How to Prevent Vaginal Cyst Formation? was last modified: March 9th, 2012 by Swathi
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