How to Increase Fertility in Women over 35

As women have the option to better control their reproductive life, they often choose to wait until they are at a financially and emotionally secure place in life before they decide to have children; with the result that they are past the age of 35 before they decide to do so.

In the event the issue of how to increase fertility at this stage of life does arise, since the factor that impacts fertility most significantly is a woman’s age.

Get as healthy as you can

One of the first things to do in your quest towards increasing fertility has to be to achieve the best personal health that you can.

Being overweight is known to decrease chances of conception so get active, eat a healthy diet that is low in calories but high in nutrients and get weight down to a healthy range.

Also having foods high in folic acid such as beans, leafy green veggies, and cutting down on alcohol and caffeine can directly improve chances of getting pregnant.

Getting healthy also means that women should address any existing medical conditions such as endometriosis, fibroids, polycystic ovarian syndrome and others, which could impede a woman wondering how to increase fertility.

The presence of any kind of infection or any scar tissues/adhesions could also negatively impact fertility which should be assessed. Then appropriate treatments or procedure will help restore fertility.

Is it you?

Before trying to address the issue of female fertility, it is important to find out whether it is in fact the woman due to whom the attempted conception is not occurring.

It could be that the issue here is how to increase fertility in the man rather than the woman – a low sperm count, semen volume and sperm mobility are factors that significantly impact a couple’s chances of getting pregnant.

Using laptops, tight underwear, certain dietary habits, a sedentary life and so on are all known to impact male fertility negatively. So determine which one from among a couple needs to get help with their fertility or if indeed it is both.

Check your medications

Some experts believe that certain medications impact fertility negatively – non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs may interfere with the ability of the follicles to release an egg for fertilization.

Drugs to control seizures and epilepsy are also known to impact fertility since they interfere with regular menstruation and cause other problems such as hormonal imbalances, polycystic ovaries and so on.

Chemotherapy for cancer and certain dopamine agonists are also known to impact fertility negatively. So to know how to increase your fertility, it is also important to speak to a doctor about medications you are on, and if it is possible to discontinue them (never discontinue a drug without doctors’ advice).

Consider Fertility medications

Once the reason for infertility has been determined or at least narrowed, it may be possible to increase fertility by considering the appropriate course for how to increase fertility.

It may be possible to get pregnant by sorting out the underlying problem, or there could be the need for medications such as the Follicle Stimulating hormone to aid pregnancy.

How to Increase Fertility in Women over 35 was last modified: October 31st, 2011 by Swathi
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