Facts on the Pill for Women’s Sex Drive

Scientists have been trying for years to develop a pill that would increase women’s libido. At the moment there is no drug approved by the FDA that would do that. Since there are a lot of health conditions that could cause sexual dysfunctions there isn’t one pill that would be suitable for all women.

Talk to Your Doctor

The first step that women should take in order to take care of their problem is to talk to their doctor. Their primary health care provider may be able to address the physical aspects. If the problem persists, they should see a gynecologist or a sex therapist.


In case women have decreased libido because of vaginal dryness which makes sex painful, it might be a good idea for them to use creams that contain estrogen. Such products are useful in case the estrogen levels of women get low, which is usually the case during breastfeeding and menopause.

ED Drugs

Although these are drugs used in case of erectile dysfunctions, doctors sometimes prescribe them to women if they have a hard time getting aroused or if they can’t reach an orgasm. The drugs works by increasing the blood flow to the genital organs. It is possible that women will need testosterone as well for the drugs to work.


Androgen levels such as testosterone decrease as women get older. Since these have an important role to play in the sexual desire of women, it might be useful for them to have a testosterone treatment. Nonetheless it is good to know that there are no long-term studies done in this field.


This is an antidepressant which may be prescribed in case of low sex drive especially in case of women who are going through menopause or in case the patient’s libido has been affected by other antidepressants.

The Holdup

If the problem isn’t a physical one, it is possible that the contraceptives that women take interfere with their testosterone production. The hormones that these come with, bind with the testosterone of the body. The less free testosterone the body has, the lower the sex drive will be.

There is no pill that women could take to increase their libido. This means that they will have to try several approaches until they find the one that works for them. Usually the first step is to see a doctor to rule out health related issues.

Facts on the Pill for Women’s Sex Drive was last modified: March 1st, 2014 by Swathi
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