What Are The Side Effects Of The Morning After Pill?

The Emergency Contraception pill is also known as the Morning After pill or Plan B because it is not a primary form of contraception. Some of the chief side effects that have been noted, which, except in unusual cases resolve themselves in 24 hours were:

  • Nausea is the most often reported side effect of the morning after pill. Users of the combined regimen pill, which uses estrogen and progestin reported a higher degree of nausea. Actual vomiting is however not common.
  • Abdominal Pain is another side effect reported by women.
  • Fatigue is another side effect noted from use of the emergency contraceptive pill.
  • Head ache and dizziness are other symptoms noted from use of the Plan B pill
  • Breast tenderness or increased sensitivity and even pain in the breasts were noted by some women.
  • Spotting or small quantities of blood may be noticed particularly if the morning after pill is taken after ovulation.
  • Temporary disruption of the menstrual cycle is another commonly noted side effect of the morning after pill. This is however not seen to delay a period over a week. If the delay is more than a week, the probability of a pregnancy having occurred would have to be considered.
  • Severe side effects include severe abdominal pains, shortness of breath, chest pains, severe headaches, blurred vision or other eye problems and leg or arm pain/numbness.

The morning after pill should not be taken by those with severe liver disease or those with the rare condition called porphyria.

What Are The Side Effects Of The Morning After Pill? was last modified: September 22nd, 2017 by pnreddy1
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