Exploring the Anatomy of Vagina and Vulva

The vulva is the external part of the female reproductive system. Basically, vulva is the collective term for all the external parts of the female genitalia. It consists of the monsveneris, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, hymen and perineum.

The vagina, on the other hand, is the internal receptacle for the penis during sexual intercourse.

The anatomy of vagina and vulva are structured in such a way that their location and form protect the other organs while making sexual intercourse comfortably possible.

Before knowing the basic anatomy of the vagina, one should also be familiar with the external part of the reproductive system.

The external genitalia or the vulva is designed to protect the other inner structures.

Just below the abdomen above the clitoral hood is the monsveneris, the Latin term for “hill of Venus”, the Roman goddess of love. This part is highly composed of fatty tissue which protects the pubic bone during intercourse. This serves as a cushion from the impact of the sexual activity. For some women, this area is highly sensitive.

The labia majora, on the other hand, are the outer lips of the vulva which extends from the mons to the perineum. This structure is basically composed of oil and sweat glands and is covered with pubic hair.

The labia minora are the inner lips just beneath the labia majora. This thin tissue covers and protects the vagina, clitoris and urethra.

The highly sensitive part of the female genitalia is the clitoris. This oval-shaped structure is located right beneath the clitoral hood. Only the tip of the clitoris usually shows.

However, unlike what most people believe, the clitoris is longer and is split into two forks and measures about 4”. The clitoris is basically covered by the prepuce, similar to the foreskin of the penis.

During excitation phase, the clitoris may generally extend and retract. The urethra is a structure that is situated right below the clitoris and just above the anatomy of vagina.

This does not have any sexual function. However, this is the passageway for urine. Because of its location, women should always wipe from front to back after voiding.

The hymen is a very thin membrane that partially covers the whole anatomy of vagina. It generally lies in between the minora. For ages, this membrane has been regarded as the sign of virginity. However, several activities could actually tear it apart such as vigorous exercise, tampon insertion and the like.

For others who have imperforate hymen, a hymenectomy( removal of the hymen) needs to be performed in order to allow the normal passage of blood during menstruation.

After the hymen is the anatomy of vagina. The vagina specifically serves as the access of the penis during intercourse. The vagina is 3 inches long in average but actually elongates during intercourse to accommodate the size of the penis.

The Bartholin’s glands are located at either side of the vaginal opening. These glands secrete lubricating fluid to prevent painful friction during sexual intercourse.

After the ejaculation of the semen, the sperm goes through the cervix into the uterus then to the fallopian tube. If an ovum is present during intercourse, a new life is formed.

Exploring the Anatomy of Vagina and Vulva was last modified: May 25th, 2011 by Swathi
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