Reading the Signs of Yeast Infection Correctly

Before moving on to the signs of yeast infection, patients should know that yeast is a kind of fungus that is known to cause yeast infection or vaginitis. It is normally found in the moist areas of the body, such as the mouth or the genital area, and about 20%-50% of women carry it in their vaginal area.

Yeast infection signs

The earliest signs of the infection include a burning and itching sensation in the genital area. Another one of the signs that you should keep an eye out for is flaky and dry skin in the vaginal area that is quite abnormal given the fact the skin should be moist.

The yeast infection signs at the early stage also include having thick white vaginal discharge. This may have the consistency of ricotta cheese or cottage cheese.

In the majority of the cases the discharge has no odor, but in some cases it could have a smell of yeast or bread, even though the yeast used in bread production is a totally different one.

The truth about this one of the signs of yeast infection is that it ranges from being thin and clear to having a yellow color. There are also some other specific signs of the infection, such as vomiting and nausea, redness, anal itching, soreness and vaginal irritation and itching.

Some other yeast infection signs involve vulva swelling while showing small red bumps and pain at the pelvic region during urination and after or during sexual intercourse.

Symptoms when being pregnant

As it has been mentioned before, yeast infections are also called yeast vaginitis, and the truth about the signs of yeast infection is that they are more common when being pregnant than during any other period of women’s life, especially in trimesters two and three.

In case of pregnant women it is quite rare to have bacterial vaginosis and yeast infection at the same time, but it’s not impossible. Usually the fetus isn’t affected by the yeast infection signs, but it is better to mention your symptoms to your doctor.

If you are infected by yeast infection when you give birth, it is likely for the baby to have an oral thrush, which is a kind of yeast infection that develops in the mouth but the good news regarding such signs of yeast infection is that they are highly treatable.

Nonetheless the bad news is that in case you are breastfeeding, the infection could affect your breast as well. This way the breastfeeding will become difficult and even painful, and you are likely to face bleeding as well as one of the yeast infection signs.

Treating yeast infection

In case you have to face recurrent infections of this kind, then most probably your doctor will suggest you to use vaginal topical creams for longer time periods to get rid of the signs of yeast infection. In the same time you could be using antifungal drugs as well to make sure that the infection clears up fast.


Reading the Signs of Yeast Infection Correctly was last modified: March 6th, 2014 by Swathi