What Is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease?

Women are often assailed with the question ‘what is pelvic inflammatory disease’? Also known as PID, pelvic inflammatory disease may be explained as an infection which affects the pelvic regions of a woman such as the fallopian tubes, womb or uterus, cervix and ovaries. The disease is developed due to the spread of any sexually transmitted disease such as Chlamydia or gonorrhea. Women who are sexually active and have multiple partners are at the highest risk of developing a pelvic inflammatory disease.

The condition may not lead to any symptom, although at times the woman may suffer from pelvic or abdominal ache, vaginal discharge, painful sexual intercourse, pain during urination and fever.

Understanding what is pelvic inflammatory disease

The pelvic inflammatory disease may be treated by antibiotics. Some of the complications in the process might include scars in the organs of the pelvis and infertility. The causes of a pelvic inflammatory disease may be ascribed to the movement of germs and bacteria up the vagina for infecting the organs of the pelvic region.

PID can be caused by various kinds of bacteria, but then the infection is caused by bacteria which are responsible for 2 common infections which are sexually transmitted – Chlamydia and gonorrhea.

To know ‘what is pelvic inflammatory disease’ in detail, the infection can take a few months or even several days to travel from the vagina into the woman’s pelvic organs. PID can also be contracted without any sexually transmitted infection as it can even be caused by the action of normal bacteria which is present in the cervix or vagina, although the exact reasons for this are unknown.

If you suspect that you have pelvic inflammatory disease, you should check with a doctor even if there are no visible symptoms. As the most common reason is an STD as Chlamydia, women having unprotected sex or having it with a partner affected by STD, should see a specialist immediately.

Early testing generally includes a gynecological test and swabbing of the cervix for eliminating PID or the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. On understanding ‘what is pelvic inflammatory disease’, they may adjudge the real nature of the infection using a laparoscopic procedure.

Treatments are generally done with the help of oral antibiotic medication with various follow up appointments to ensure that the infection has been entirely cleared. In extreme cases, IV or intravenous antibiotics and hospitalization may be required.

Abscesses are usually developed in reproductive organs to prevent a rupture, although they are not common. The condition of PID is difficult and it can usually be prevented. Those who are susceptible to PID are women having unprotected sex and multiple partners. The chances of contracting PID may be lessened using barrier birth control processes like condoms which prevent STDs.

Women are also suggested to understand ‘what is pelvic inflammatory disease’ and approach their personal physician to deal with the risks and advantages of IUD placements as several birth control devices may pose certain risks. Even when they prevent pregnancy, they may not be potential in preventing STDs.

What Is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease? was last modified: March 9th, 2012 by Swathi
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