Systemic Yeast Infection – What Is It And How It Can Be Dangerous

A yeast infection or candidiasis can be a mild or superficial condition or it could turn life threatening as, in the case of a systemic yeast infection. Simply put, a this infection is said to be one that which has spread to other parts of the body causing many different kinds of symptoms.

Though systemic yeast infection or systemic candidiasis, as it is also known, is rare, it is also known to be deadly, and according to some experts, up to 75% of those with the condition die.

Symptoms of systemic yeast infection are thought to include severe dryness and swelling of the vaginal area, causing purplish discoloration and even painful cracks in the skin.

Scratching could cause bleeding in the area. Urination could be difficult and painful, as can sexual intercourse.

Hemorrhoids can be exacerbated, there could be difficult walking. Feelings of lethargy and fatigue also accompany systemic yeast infection.

A systemic yeast infection is that which has spiraled out of control and has spread all over the body. There could be sensory disturbances, persistent migraines, breathing difficulties, aches and pains, weakness and dizziness as well.

Whereas yeast does occur naturally within the body in moist areas such as the mouth, vagina, and etc, systemic yeast infection can disrupt one’s life very significantly.

One of the recommended antidotes to this infection is said to be the Candida cleanse diet which entails removing items such as sugar, refined flours, cheeses etc from the diet to control the growth of yeast within the body.

There seem to rather divergent views taken by some in the medical community as regards systemic yeast infection. On the one hand it is understood that it is a weakened immune system, as in the case of HIV sufferers or cancer patients that could develop systemic yeast infection, there is also a contrary view about this infection.

This is the view that negates systemic yeast infection or systemic cadidiasis as a viable diagnosis. It is a view taken by many within the medical community that there isn’t sufficient evidence to support the existence of such as condition.

It is thought that a number of unexplained symptoms tend to get attributed to systemic yeast infection by alternative therapists when they cannot be explained away in any other manner.

Also it is thought that a number of different problems such as sexual dysfunction, PMS, psoriasis, asthma, urinary and digestive problems, muscle pain and even multiple sclerosis get attributed incorrectly, to this condition.

Also for systemic yeast infection, alternative treatments such as colonic irrigation and diet modifications as well as prescription anti fungal medication is thought to be the cure, which main stream medical practitioners dispute the efficacy of.

According to this Mayo Clinic article, there is not much evidence to support the diagnosis of yeast syndrome or a systemic yeast infection and many main stream practitioners doubt its validity.

So the efficacy of the so called Candida cleanse diet is also disputed, since eating a healthier diet of whole foods and vegetables can cutting out processed foods will anyway improve one’s health and general wellbeing.

Systemic Yeast Infection – What Is It And How It Can Be Dangerous was last modified: March 9th, 2012 by Swathi
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