The Truth About Sex Myths

There are a number of different sex myths that have been told for years. Many of them are just old wives tails but there are two in this article that are true. This is a test on how much you know about sex – can you spot the true myths?

Men want more sex than women

True or False? This is one of the false sex myths. While many women believe that men want sex much more than them, there are a number of factors that will come into this. It all depends on the hormones that are in the body. If a woman has a high amount of testosterone in the body, then she will want more sex and this is something that happens during certain times of the menstrual cycle. The truth is that men are not as ruled by their emotions as women are.

Happy couples will have good sex every night

Really? This is another myth that is completely false. Not one couple – happy or not – will be able to have fun, exciting and amazing sex every night of the week and it is not actually good for the body.

A happy couple may have more sex than an unhappy one, and the sex may be better, but that is down to communication and understanding. The truth is that family life will still get in the way.

Something is wrong if you have to plan sex

So spontaneous sex is often exciting and different, but that does not mean that planned sex is boring and means that the relationship is doomed. Once you get past the honeymoon period and start settling into family life, you may need to start planning some alone time – this is especially the case if you have children. You also need to take into account that hormones will not always mean that spontaneous sex is on the table.

Men sleep around more than women

Ok, so this is one of the sex myths to be true – but only just. Men do tend to sleep with more people but this is due to the social stigma associated to it. This will also have something to do with the way that sex is linked more to emotions for women. However, if you think about it, it takes two for sex so if a man is sleeping with many women then the women may be sleeping around too…right?

Great lover will be able to please anyone

This is technically true but then it all depends on the partner. Someone that has had practice will know about the different buttons to push and know the different parts to bring pleasure. However, that does not mean that everything works for everyone. Good sex will also be about a connection for many people.

The truth about sex myths

There are many different myths when it comes to sex and not all of them are true. For example, men do not always want sex – unless they are a 17-year-old, hormonal teenager – and women are not always disgusted by erotic porn. It all comes down to certain people and the hormones and other factors in a life.

The Truth About Sex Myths was last modified: December 26th, 2011 by Swathi
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