The Female Wet Dream: Fact Or Fiction?

In a word, fact! This is not a phenomenon that is as much discussed or researched as the male wet dream or nocturnal orgasm, it is also not as common, but women do indeed have orgasms when they are asleep.

What typically happens is this: a woman may have had some sort of arousing experience such as watching a film or similar, after which she has gone to bed.

She then proceeds to fall into that stage of sleep which is called REM (rapid eye movement) sleep when she will have what may begin as an ordinary dream but which then swiftly progresses to erotic.

Then the woman may find herself having an orgasm in her sleep which she may then vividly remember or may perhaps have forgotten completely.

Either is perfectly normal. It means neither that a woman is frigid nor does it mean she is a raving nymphomaniac.

Research has demonstrated that 40% of women have had a wet dream by the age of 45 though among men that no of 40% doubles. Women also experience fewer instances of having wet dreams. While men may have these frequently, women will typically only have a few a year.

The Female Wet Dream: Fact Or Fiction? was last modified: April 12th, 2010 by admin2
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