Prolapsed Uterus Symptoms and Treatment

The womb or the uterus of a woman is in actuality a muscular structure which the pelvic muscles and ligaments hold in place. The uterus can become prolapsed when the pelvic muscles and ligaments either become weak or stretch. When the pelvic muscles and ligaments can’t support the uterus any more, the uterus can slip as far as into the vagina or the birth canal of the woman.

A prolapsed uterus can take two forms, the incomplete form or the complete form. When the prolapsed uterus is incomplete, the uterus only sags or slips into the vagina partially. In the case of prolapsed uterus, which is complete, the situation becomes such that only a small tissue is found to be resting outside the uterus. The following can be prolapsed uterus symptoms and treatment:

Symptoms of Prolapsed Uterus

When a woman faces a completely prolapsed uterus, she can face symptoms like the following:

  • Bleeding or discharge from the vagina.
  • Facing problems during sexual intercourse.
  • The uterus or the cervix of the woman can come out of the vagina.
  • Constipation.
  • Bladder infections, which become recurrent.
  • Heaviness in the vagina or in the pelvis.

Treatment of Prolapsed Uterus

In case of a woman, who experiences these aforementioned symptoms, treatment becomes a mandate. The treatment options, which are available for the patients, can be one of the following:

  • Lifestyle Changes – When it comes to lifestyle changes that can help in the treatment of prolapsed uterus, some common ones like losing weight (in case you are obese), avoiding lifting heavy weights and trying to quit smoking which can cause chronic cough.
  • Vaginal Pessary – A pessary is a rubber device which your doctor can place in the vagina. A vaginal pessary has to be cleaned regularly and can either be done by the woman or a doctor or nurse. Some side effects of a vaginal pessary can include irritation along the lines of the vagina, ulcers in the vagina, problem with sex, discharge from the vagina, which has a foul smell etc.
  • Surgery – though the surgery of a prolapsed uterus might pose certain risks, if the symptoms persist, it is advisable to go for the surgery. But the surgery will depend on certain factors like the woman’s plans of having children in the future, her age, her other medical conditions and problems etc.

Apart from the prolapsed uterus symptoms and treatment discussed here, a woman can face other symptoms too, which might need other treatment options.

Prolapsed Uterus Symptoms and Treatment was last modified: March 14th, 2014 by Swathi
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