Things to Know About the Polycystic Ovary Disease

The polycystic ovary disease can be referred to a hormonal condition which is present in a lot of women. It is often characterized by irregular or absent periods. The doctor generally treats the symptoms on the basis of the symptoms that you demonstrate and these may comprise acne, hair growth or even infertility. The methods of treatment or their approaches may vary on the basis of your specific case, although you may be able to suppress the symptoms entirely.

The Polycystic Ovarian Disease or PCOD is a condition which affects around 5% to 10% of women, especially in teenagers due to their sedentary lifestyle and eating habits which lead to obesity.

The Polycystic Ovarian Disease is a condition in which the ovary is prevented from periodically maturing the follicles or the sacs filled with water containing eggs.

The polycystic ovary disease often causes anovulation or lack of production of the mature eggs. This often causes the enhanced production of masculine hormones or androgens and an imbalanced production of estrogen, the important male hormone.

Progesterone is not present although normally it appears after ovulation, balancing the after effects of an enhanced production of estrogen. Some of these alterations are manifested clinically.

Changes in polycystic ovary disease

  • Irregular menstruation: It can vary from the brief and irregular cycles to menstrual bleeding that is stopped only with the help of medication. Moreover, menses may be abnormally belated or absent.
  • Obesity: Enhanced weight is a cause as well as an effect of PCOD.
  • Hirsutism: This refers to an increased growth of hair on the face as well as other areas of the body as a result of the increased secretion of male hormones.
  • Polycystic appearance of the ovaries: These are tiny sacs containing eggs that are increased in size, although they do not reach maturation. This leads to an enlarged ovary, although the poly cysts are not growths or tumors and do not need to be eliminated or operated upon.
  • Heart conditions: One of the major after effects of polycystic ovary disease are the chances of contracting Type 2 diabetes with greatly increased chances of heart problems.
  • Infertility: As there is no timely release of the egg or ovulation, infertility is a frequent condition.

Diagnosis of polycystic ovary disease

The diagnosis of PCOD depends on the ultrasound appearance of the ovaries, conditions of the enhanced male hormones as well as anovulaiton. Blood tests help in diagnosing thyroid conditions, diabetes or increase of prolactin secretions. Treatment of PCOD rests on your objectives.

You can for instance try ovulating with the help of ovulation triggering medicines. Oral contraceptives are often helpful in regularizing periods, controlling hormones and reducing hair growth. Hair growth can even be reduced with other medications or their combinations.

Weight reduction therapies may be conducted to bring about a change in lifestyle for restoring and correcting the polycystic ovary disease. About 70% of women suffering from PCOD are obese. They will understand that their problem started from the time they started gaining weight. If the weight is maintained, the problem can be corrected early.

Things to Know About the Polycystic Ovary Disease was last modified: December 29th, 2011 by Swathi
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