In a statement issued by the Komen Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to finding a cure for eradicating breast cancer, the long standing aid to the Planned Parenthood was first cut and then the decision was reversed.

It was a swift and huge public backlash to the original decision from long term supporters of the cancer foundation that had Komen backtrack on its original decision to cut funding to Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood is an organization that provides reproductive health to women as well as maternal and child health services. It is an organization that most often comes under attack from pro-life lobbies for also offering abortion services along with all its other services relating to women’s health.

Planned ParenthoodIt was widely perceived that when Komen stopped funding to the organization, this was a politically motivated move and the cancer foundation was roundly criticized by the media, on social networks and other voices for this.

Komen was accused of backtracking on its principal commitment to women’s health by getting involved in politics this way.

There was also the looming threat of an end to the long term support and donations to the nonprofit from a wide cross section of society.

A statement was issued by Ms Brinker by the founder member and CEO of the Komen Foundation, who founded the nonprofit after her only sister died from breast cancer.

She said that she wanted to apologize to the American public for recent decision taken by the foundation if such decisions had caused people to have any doubts about the foundation’s commitment to saving women’s lives.

Rightly or wrongly, Komen’s decision was seen to be taking sides in the political debate about pro choice versus pro life.

Well over a million tweets and other online indignation indicated that the move was seen as such by the public at large and there was an outpouring of outrage that the battle against breast cancer was not only drawn into the political fray but also seen to be taking sides.

The reversal of the decision was taken after careful consideration and consultation with clinicians as well as scientists, Ms Brinker was quoted as having said and her decision has been welcomed by many sections.

People who want to see women continue to have access to safe contraception and family planning can only support the decision and be relieved at it as well. After all, in the interests of women’s health, there is a requirement for both Komen as well as Planned Parenthood.