Prolapsed Womb Symptoms and How to Deal with the Issues

Normally the womb is held in place by ligaments, muscles and tissue. It is possible to experience prolapsed womb symptoms if the muscles weaken. This could happen because of labor and childbirth.

It could also be a result of the natural process of aging since women naturally lose estrogen and as a result the womb can collapse into the canal of the vagina.

Symptoms of prolapsed womb

There are several symptoms that women could see if this happens. These include a feeling of pressure or fullness in the pelvis. Some women say that this is something like sitting on a ball.

Other symptoms involve pain in the lower back, pain during intercourse, a feeling that something comes out of the vagina, difficulties with walking and problems during bowel movements and urination.

What causes the signs of prolapsed womb?

There are several conditions that could lead to a prolapsed womb. In some cases women experience it because of several pregnancies or childbirths with or without complications.

As the age advances the pelvic muscles can naturally weaken. If you have a condition that leads to pressure in the abdomen, you could be affected by the symptoms.

The conditions that lead to prolapsed womb symptoms include straining, chronic cough, fluid accumulation in the abdomen or pelvic tumors.

Being obese or overweight can also put more pressure on the muscles. Women who had a major surgery that makes the womb lose external support can also see the symptoms.

When thinking about the prolapsed womb signs we also have to consider that there are some risk factors that make women have higher chances of being affected. These include excess weight lifting. In the same time it is known that Caucasian women have higher chances of having problems of this kind.

When to see your doctor

You should make sure to let your doctor know if you see the prolapsed womb symptoms which include feeling the cervix close to the vagina, feeling like something comes out of the vagina or feeling pressure in the vaginal canal. Also urinary dribbling could be an indicator of the problem along with rectal urgency.

Some other prolapsed uterus symptoms involve having backaches while having problems with walking, bowel movements and urination. Let your doctor know immediately if you feel difficulty or obstruction of bowel movement or urination or if you have a complete womb prolapse.

Tests and exams

If you have prolapsed womb symptoms, your diagnosis will be made based on a pelvic exam and your medical history. It is possible that your doctor will need to examine you in a standing position and while you lie down. Most probably you will be asked to cough to put more pressure on the abdomen.

In case of the signs of prolapsed uterus you could have an intravenous pyelogram. This means that there is some dye injected in the vein and the doctors monitor its progress to see any signs of obstructions on the way.

Now you know more about the prolapsed womb symptoms. Make sure you follow your doctor advice and take good care of yourself.

Prolapsed Womb Symptoms and How to Deal with the Issues was last modified: March 6th, 2014 by Swathi