A Healthy Diet Guide for PCOS

PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) is characterized by hormonal imbalances in women, especially an imbalance in a number of male hormones. It’s now one of the most common hormonal disorders in the development world.

Diet and as well as exercise plays very important role in managing PCOS, eating a proper diet, staying active and marinating a healthy body weight can improve your health condition. Here are few healthy and important diet guides for PCOD.

  1. Dairy products are not suitable for PCOS
    Some studies have linked dairy consumption with an increased risk of PCOS, partially low-fat However, there is no conclusive evidence yet. In any case, dairy free is certainly worth a try if other changes have not helped. Dairy products may cause an allergic reaction and digestive problems in some women. With a wholesome diet, the diary is not essential.
  2. Diet should contain low carbohydrates
    The best diet for PCOS should reduce insulin levels and promote weight loss. A low carb diet is the best solution if low fat has not worked for you. It is an eating pattern where carbs make up roughly 30% or less of your energy intake. High GI foods affect your blood sugar levels.
  3. Soy products in PCOD
    Soy products are made from soybeans the protein-rich seeds of the soy plant. There is not much evidence to go by, but it seems moderate soy consumption is likely safe on a diet for PCOD. In saying that, it seems an unnecessary risk to eat a lot or increase your intake.
  4. Increase Folate in your diet
    Folate and folic acid are both a form of vitamin B9, essential to reducing the build-up of homocysteine. Unfortunately, those with PCOS tend to have high homocysteine. Top folate source per 100 grams serve are beans and lentils, raw spinach and asparagus.
  5. Limit junk food
    Junk food is a nightmare for treating PCOS as it’s typically high in calories and added sugars, which can raise insulin levels and disrupt other hormones. Regular consumption of junk food leads to weight gain, ovulation problems, and infertility.
  6. Say no to hydrogenated oils and Caffeine
    Hydrogenated oils increase bad cholesterol (LDL- low-density Lipoprotein) and lower good cholesterol (HDL- High-density Lipoprotein). Caffeine increases estrogens levels and effects fertility.

Important and Helpful Tips for PCOS

  • Drink plenty of water; make every effort to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day.
  • You will notice the impact of this and a significant difference once you get into this habit.
  • Make sure you get the right vitamins and minerals. Try to ensure your diet is filled with all essential vitamins and minerals.
  • If you struggle to have a truly varied dietary try vitamin supplements to help ensure your body has what it needs to function.
  • Do what you can to reduce stress; stress will play havoc on your PCOS affecting your body, skin and emotional state in the most unpleasant ways.
  • Chill out, try aromatherapy, kickboxing, yoga, grab an cup of tea, whatever floats your boat and helps you relax your body will thank you.
  • Make sure you get enough sleep
  • It is important to try and get the best quality sleep you can.
  • Most people need to sleep for 6-8 hours a night for their bodies to function properly.
    Exercise is fundamental to any healthy lifestyle and for PCOS it is so much more important.
  • Regular exercise will help keep some of your symptoms in check, reduce stress and help with weight loss.

Find something you enjoy and go for it.

A Healthy Diet Guide for PCOS was last modified: September 27th, 2017 by Mounica
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