How to Deal with Pain in Pelvic Area?

Pain in pelvic area may range from being mildly irritating to debilitating. Pelvic pain can be caused due to various reasons, some immediate and some not so immediate.

It is not easy to identify the cause of pain in an individual, as it can be as varying as salpingitis, uterine descensus, endometriosis or even appendicitis.

It is important to deal with the pain when it becomes chronic, i.e. has been a part of your daily life for the last six months or more.

Additional symptoms for pain in pelvic area

Discomfort in the pelvic region would include heavy menstrual bleeding, painful menstruation, pain during or after intercourse and pain in the lower back and abdomen. Pain in pelvic area could be the result of problems in reproductive health, nerve disorders, digestive problems, musculoskeletal problems and may be mental health problems too. Sometimes the pain may radiate into the legs and be mistaken for leg pain too.

How to deal with pelvic pain?

If you have been suffering from chronic pelvic pain, it is essential to consult your doctor and identify the root case of pain in pelvic area.

Only after the cause has been identified, can one hope to find a treatment that will give lasting relief from the pain.

Surgery related issues

Sometimes the pain is caused due to adhesions or internal scarring during surgery. In such cases the pain usually disappears with time as the adhesions heals. In some cases, further surgery may be required to remove the adhesions and ease the pain.

Adhesion pelvic pain usually occurs when there have been abdominal surgeries including C-sections.


Another major cause of chronic pain in pelvic area is recurrent infection of the bladder and/or the urinary tract. The pain may or may not be accompanied with the classic symptoms of urinary tract infections, pain during urination, frequent urination or blood in the urine.

Sometimes bladder infections are not identified as the pain may be attributed to urinary tract infections. This could lead to major complications later. Recurrent urinary infections should be investigated completely to rule out or confirm bladder infections.

At times, the bladder may be just irritated and not infected due to the presence of stones. Either way proper, treatment is required to do away with pelvic pain.


A major cause of pelvic pain in women is endometriosis. It refers to the collecting of endometrial lining in the fallopian tubes and the ovaries. The endometrial lining is supposed to be discarded by the body as the menstrual flow. Sometimes the lining gets pushed into the above said organs. It reacts with hormones during the following cycles.

The tissue can cause inflammatory reactions inside the tubes and the ovaries. This leads to many complications that can lead to infertility and involvement of other abdominal organs like the intestines. All this, no doubt, results in mild to severe pain in the pelvic region. The condition may require surgical interference (laparoscopic) to ease it. In mild cases the use of non-cyclic contraceptive pills work wonders. A combination of the two is generally used to ease the pain.

Pain in the pelvic area can be caused by myriad reasons and the right diagnosis is essential to help ease the pain and bring relief to the patient.

How to Deal with Pain in Pelvic Area? was last modified: March 8th, 2012 by Swathi
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