Symptoms of an Ovarian Cyst and When They Are Important to Identify

An Ovarian cyst is a collection of fluid in the ovary, surrounded by a thin wall and it is estimated that these may be present in almost all pre-menopausal women as well as about 15 percent of post menopausal women.

Symptoms of an ovarian cyst are in most cases absent or do not cause significant problems, so in a majority of cases, don’t require any treatment.

This s not to so that ovarian cysts never present a problem or that they never need treatment.

Whether or not treatment is required and what kind of treatment usually depends upon the kind of cyst, the symptoms of an ovarian cyst or its size and other factors.

Unlike the Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), which is less common and the most common cause of infertility in women, ovarian cysts are not always problematic and may not necessarily need treatment.

PCOS could prevent ovulation, result in obesity, metabolic syndrome, acne, Hirsutism, insulin resistance and high cholesterol but usually such troublesome symptoms are not present in simple ovarian cysts.

When symptoms are present, the main symptoms and signs of an ovarian cyst are-

  • Pain that could be dull or severe, constant or intermittent is usually the most common sign of the problem. The pain could be in vagina, lower back, on one or both sides of the lower abdomen or the even the thighs. Sometimes the pain could occur after sexual intercourse or physical exercise.
  • Bloating of the abdomen or a feeling of fullness or pressure could also be one of the symptoms of an ovarian cyst.
  • Breast tenderness could also be present.
  • Inability to get pregnant or sub fertility is a problem that could be caused by some types of ovarian cysts.
  • Problems with periods such as irregular periods, spotting between periods, pain at unusual times during or after the periods and so on could also indicate ovarian cysts.
  • There may be problems with bowel movement and urination, due to build up of pressure in the pelvic cavity. Other digestive disturbances such as nausea, vomiting and so on could also be some of other signs of an ovarian cyst.
  • Unexplained weight gain can also occur as a result of ovarian cysts.
  • There could be tiredness or unusual fatigue and at times dizziness or fainting spells do occur.
  • Pallor and anemia could also sometimes occur when there is unusual or excessive menstrual bleeding.
  • There could be changes in the hair on the body and face – the hair could become thicker and grow faster.
  • Headaches and/or fever are also sometimes present with ovarian cysts.
  • Sometimes there could be a noticeable abdominal or pelvic mass noted.
  • Changes in blood pressure could also occur in some cases.

The bottom line is that if the symptoms of an ovarian cyst are problematic or if they interfere with normal functioning of a woman, then treatment should be sought. If cysts are diagnosed by any other way, it should be determined whether the type of cyst present could cause problems even if it is asymptomatic.

Symptoms of an Ovarian Cyst and When They Are Important to Identify was last modified: October 18th, 2011 by Swathi
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