What Are Ruptured Ovarian Cyst Symptoms

When small sacs with fluid form on the ovaries, they are known to be ovarian cysts. The majority of the time, there is nothing that needs to be done – a woman can live with them for her whole life and never realize that there is a problem. However, there are times that they will rupture. This is something that will cause problems for the reproductive organs and you will need to know the ruptured ovarian cyst symptoms to know whether you need to get to the doctor immediately.

What are ovarian cysts?

Medically, ovarian cysts are just small pockets of fluid on the ovaries. They will not affect the menstrual cycle or fertility unless they rupture. When looked on an ultrasound, they will just look like small bubbles.

They usually occur when the follicles that hold the eggs do not break – when the egg is not released. The fluid will stay in the follicle and so the cyst appears. There are different types of cystsdepending on what has happened with the egg – there are some that will appear after the egg has been released – or whether there has been an infection.

These cysts will affect women of any age and usually occur normally. They will be checked for being cancerous but the majority are benign, which means they will not harm your body. However, a rupture can occur and you need to know what the ruptured ovarian cyst symptoms are.

The main ovarian cyst symptoms

While most cysts will not have symptoms, there are some that may occur. The main one is irregular periods; however, these can occur for a variety of other reasons so a cyst is not the first option. A pain in the lower abdomen sometimes occurs and there may be pressure or a feeling of being full – like a dull ache.

If there is pain due to the ovarian cyst, it will usually happen during exercising or even through intercourse. Another time is when you are urinating or moving your bowels. Of course, these are also some of the ruptured ovarian cyst symptoms and it is important to know how to tell the difference.

Ruptured ovarian cyst symptoms

As well as the symptoms above, there are other symptoms if at all the cyst ruptures. Nausea and severe abdominal pain are among the most common when there is a rupture. A fever and dizziness are also common ruptured ovarian cyst symptoms.

When the cyst ruptures, there are chances that it will bleed; this will lead to vaginal bleeding, even when you are not due your period. When you are due, you will usually see heavier bleeding than normal or no period at all – it depends on whether the rupture is affecting the ability to release the egg. The loss of blood may lead to anemia.

Because there may be a problem with reproduction, the level of estrogen will decrease so there will be more male hormones in the body. This will lead to a growth of male facial hair and other signs. Weight loss not due to exercise or a change in diet may also be noticed.

Many of the above symptoms for ruptured cysts will need hospital treatment and are emergencies so you should go directly to your nearest hospital.

What Are Ruptured Ovarian Cyst Symptoms was last modified: November 3rd, 2011 by admin3
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